Transformation Is Waiting... On You!
Have you ever given something and then taken it back?
It's called a "take back".
Kids do it.
"Honey, do you want the pink or blue candy?"
They pick one... then give you the other one.
Just as you're about to bite into it they realize yours looks better for some reason and want it back.
It's cute with candy, but how about with important things?
How about business?
A rock star sales guy is on commission.
He is crushing his goals.
So much so that he's making double his supervisor and triple everyone else.
Then management decides he's making too much money and pull a "take back" on the commission agreement and limit his income.
(Bad move)
Let's just say it usually not a moral booster.
Humans are fickle and foolish like that.
God on the other hand is the ULTIMATE promise keeper.
Once he seals a deal, it is DONE.
Even to the death of His one and only son dying on a cross.

Let me explain...
When God created earth and all the things in it,
He gave "dominion" (transferred authority) over all things to "man" (Adam).
It's like God handing over the keys and the deed to a new construction luxury waterfront home fully furnished, paid in full, no debt, no mortgage, perfect.
So now Adam has ownership (to all of Earth) and as sole owner he can do whatever he wants with it.
It's like God was the original builder and now Adam is the first homeowner.
When Adam sinned, it was similar to losing the house in foreclosure.
The price was sin was so high that he lost his ownership of earth to Satan.
(Like he mortgaged the house so high and couldn't make payment so lost the house.)
However, God's character is so good, fair and legal to the extent that he
also honors by His own rules that govern the universe.
He's not like a corrupt politician that will bend or break rules to play favorites.
However, God is also the ultimate lawyer so he found a legal way to get the deed back.
It was by paying the debt with Jesus becoming the blood sacrifice, the slain lamb to clear the debt for all of mankind.
I want you to really understand how INCREDIBLE this is...
It would be like you (a human) loving the cockroaches so much you sent your only son to downgrade himself become a belly crawling gross insect only to be brutally murdered by other cockroaches.
Can you imagine a human becoming a cockroach to save all cockroaches?
I don't think so!!
The value of a human life vs the value of a cockroach is incomparable.
That's what so incredible about it.
Listen, we can't even create a cockroach if we tried.
God created us with His hands and his breath.
The comparison between humans vs. God is even worse than humans vs. cockroaches.
But God was crazy in love with us enough to do it.
Ok, so here's where I'm going with this...
When God delegates authority,
He does NOT take it back.
So let's continue...
Then Jesus got the house out of foreclosure (aka Earth and humans),
And gave the deed to Earth BACK to us humans with these instructions.
Love God,
Love Others,
Share God with Love and teach others how to do the same.
(The Great Commission aka make disciples of all nations)
Then Jesus will return and we will live happily ever after.
The End.
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me [Jesus]. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
Not only that,
Jesus equipped us with Holy Spirit to be our guide and ultimate fire power.
On of the tools and weapons Jesus gave us is PRAYER.
PRAYER is the MOST underutilized supernatural game changer.
PRAYER is a...
Laser-guided nuclear bomb into the enemy's camp,
Source of strategy and divine wisdom,
Snow plow that opens up roads and barriers to business,
Warm fuzzy blank to comfort the brokenhearted,
Medicine for the soul,
Healing for the body,
Power to tear down spiritual strongholds,
The gates of hell can't prevail against PRAYERS filled with Holy Spirit fire power.
But most Christians use it as a feather duster! Grrrr!!!
Most Christians pray to bless the food before meals and as a good night kiss to God before bed... and a honey-do list for personal needs.
That's it!
All the other powerful uses have been long forgotten!
Dude, we're loaded with FIRE POWER,
We got Daddy-o in heaven that has the deepest pockets ever and we're behaving like we're beggars or victims in this spiritual battle called life.
We've got to step up and be the sons and daughters of a VICTORIOUS God, the king of kings!
So what does that mean in real-life business right now?
That mean whatever business, industry or role that you are in right now,
Whether you are the CEO or the janitor,
Whether you mop the floors or sign the checks,
You're filled with the same Holy Spirit that cracked Saul and turned him in to Paul.
You have the same Holy Spirit as the man who wrote half the New Testament of the bible.
We should set our eyes HIGH,
Raise the bar,
Expect change,
Aim to be life changing,
Industry shaking,
Stepping OUT of the human ways,
Stepping IN to the Holy Spirit ways.
We've got let Holy Spirit do His thaaang!
For example,
TRANSFORMATION would look like...
Medical industry - healing the body in a real way without pumping people full of more medication and doctors empowered to seek God and really innovate with Holy Spirit,
Government - have God-fearing people in power that love the Lord, protect the people and shape laws to reflect that,
Entertainment industry - have movies and shows that are both entertaining and Holy Spirit filled, promote Godly principles and transform lives as people consume spirit filled content,
Businesses - have sincere and honest marketing and products that help people instead of manipulating their pocketbook.
Education - teaching Godly principles that provide spiritual growth and create wise God-loving leaders to transform families, cities, nations for God by moving in power, love and a sound mind to fulfill the Great Commission and prepare for Jesus' return,
Families - are restored, reunited, healthy and healing are the core nucleus of a thriving spiritual experience with God from childhood on.
We need to set our eyes on transforming EVERY aspect of our world.
That's what we're SUPPOSED to do.
"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy..."
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
I would propose that the MAIN reason the world is as bad as it is...
The reason why we're
Ridden with war and rumors of war,
Broken families,
Broken health,
and so much more is,
Because Christians fell asleep at the wheel.
We have not prayed diligently and earnestly,
Nor with power and vision,
Nor with fire and passion,
We as a BODY in general (not blaming any single person or group),
Have lost sight of the tools Jesus paid the highest price to get us.
If we truly united as one body and PRAYED over these things,
I know that the gates of hell could not prevail against us.
Do not cop out saying, "Oh, those are birthing pains of the end times. Jesus is coming back soon. Let's just survive."
I don't think Jesus wanted a lame duck ending to this chapter of Earth.
He's too cool for that.
Why would He give us such powerful weapons if we're supposed to keel over and hide?
Remember, we have ALL AUTHORITY given to us from Jesus.
It's about time we used it FULLY as a body of Christ.
It's about time we at least start applying to our business.
So take a look where God has you.
Look at your business, your industry, your position, the people that are around you old and new.
Look at how he's equipped you.
Look at your clients need.
Look at your industry needs.
Look at the breadcrumbs that Holy Spirit has been leaving you.
Look at these things with FRESH spiritual eyes seeking new insight and wisdom from Holy Spirit.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear.
Reveal to me what no man has seen and what no mind has conceived.
Use me to be a part of your bigger plan.
Remove my blinders of this world and show me
YOUR plan,
YOUR desires,
YOUR heart.
Teach me how to use these expensive gifts and tools you have paid for.
Show me how to win battles and take territory for you.
Day by day,
Step by step,
Be my guide.
In my heart first,
Then in my family,
Then in my business,
Then in the world.
Thank You and I love you.
In Jesus name, Amen."