Transformation Seekers...

I've been on both sides of the coin...
I was a top producing agent.
Opened my own brokerage.
Recruited other agents to my business.

I feel like I experienced it all...
I was an agent with too many leads.
Hired an assistant.
Hired an agent.
Fired assistants.
Fired agents.
The cycle continues.

Transformation seekers

Then something crazy happened.
I decided to join another office.


Why the heck would I do that?
Isn't that going backwards?
What would cause me to make that type of decision?

As I went through this process, I realized the reason I made that decision was because...
I was hungry for growth.
I wasn't afraid of change.
I was a Transformation Seeker.

As I recognized this pattern of mindset and behavior, it became the foundation for my recruiting criteria.

I became very clear on who I wanted...
Someone who was hungry.
Positive energy.
A team player.

I also knew who I didn't want...
I didn't want any deadbeats.
I didn't want anyone without a desire to grow.
I didn't want any toxic energy.

By having this clarity, I ended up recruiting and attracting "Transformation Seekers".
Agents that were hungry.
Agents ready to move.
Agents who were seeking.

I can tell you that working with Transformation Seekers is a complete joy and they make work feel easy.
I can also tell you that working with the unmotivated and toxic people will feel like pure torture and only give you brain damage.

Today, I encourage you to be bold and clear on who you want to hire.
Don't be luke warm by trying to get everyone.
Be magnetic to those you love.
Repel the ones you don't.
Think about your gain, not your loss.

Once you have that...
Then systematize the process.
Build a system that will give you 40 recruiting appointments every month without me picking up the phone once.
Build a team that will protect you from the toxic agents.
Building something that brings you joy.

Yes, this is possible.
Yes, this is beautiful.
Yes, this is freedom.

I wish for you the best clarity and the best systems.
I wish for you to attract and the people that will bring you the most joy and happiness in your business!
I wish for you to live the best version of your life.

Cheers to your success!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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