Tripping and Falling...

Have you ever felt like you were just tripping and falling all over yourself?
Have you ever felt lost and uncertain?
Hello, welcome to my life ^_^

So much uncertainty,
So much pruning,
So much growing and learning,
It's like WOW! OWIE!! AAAWWKK!!! all at the same time.

But the one thing that gives me peace through it all is,
God is with me.

Since the day I went all in with the Lord,
It's been one adventure after another,
It also feels like a roller coast,
And it's also learning how to rest in His arms.

But I will say this,
Whoever thinks God is boring,
Is in for a big surprise.

By definition,
A journey of faith requires uncertainty and fog,
Or why would we need faith?

There's a song lyric that says,
"It's not faith until your plans falls apart but you still choose to follow"

Is your plan falling apart?
Mine did.
Even though I chose to follow Jesus,
I was still in a fog,
Bumbling around,
Like a blind man walking with his hands stretch out,
Wandering side to side,
Trying not run into anything.

"I will put my Spirit inside you and CAUSE you to live by my laws"

The great news is,
If you feel clumsy and awkward,
But you're diligently SEEKING God,
He will CAUSE you to trip and fall into His will.
You may feel lost until the very end,
But God will still CAUSE you to walk onn His path.

With each cycle and season of uncertainty,
I get better at noticing the fog.
I can be in fog and sense FAMILIARITY in the fog and say,
"I've been in fog like this before, I know what to do."
After navigating multiple FOGGY chapters,
I'm KINDA getting the hang of it.

I know that...
As long as I am SEEKING God earnestly,
He will take all my bumbling and pooping in my diapers,
And CAUSE me to trip and fall into His will.

The steps to navigating the FOG with God is simple...

Step 1) SEEK asking specific questions. Get into the DETAILS with God in your QUIET ALONE time with Him (a daily thing).
Step 2) Get quiet and listen (with pen and paper ready).
Step 3) Write down any thoughts that come to mind.
Rinse and repeat.


Sometimes I rinse and repeat the same set of questions once a day,
Sometimes I get to do it twice a day,
When I get desperate I do it three times a day.

I keep asking the same question,
Until "my faith is FULL" around the answer to the question.

Jesus said in His parable about the persistent widow,
"will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?... I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly."

There's a beautiful process that happens when you keep seeking over and over again like the persistent widow,
I pray that you will experience it yourself and be able to say,
"Huh! That's amazing! God just worked out. I thought I was beyond lost but God had me the whole time. He is sooo coool!!!"

God wants to build a unique testimony with you,
Your own book of miracles that you can share.

So if you feel lost and uncertain,
Don't worry,
God's got you!

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

"Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths."

Just keep SEEKING Him.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

I'm lost and I'm bumbling,
I know now what I do,
I know that I need You,
HELP me to seek you earnestly,
CAUSE me to walk in your path,

No matter what I do,
CAUSE me to stay in Your will,
CAUSE me to think Your thoughts,
CAUSE me to feel your desires,
CAUSE me to obey You wholeheartedly.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to navigating the FOG with Jesus! Wohooo!!!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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