Trust in the Gift-Giver Not the Gift...
Do you have a gift that God gave you?
Is it a vision for a business?
Is it solving a problem in the marketplace?
Is it bringing justice to injustice?
Whatever it is, God gave it to you so He partner WITH you in it.
A lot of times, we are like kids on Christmas when we get a gift from God.
We tear open the wrapping paper,
Rip open the box,
Get so excited about the GIFT,
Say a courtesy "thank you",
The go off and play with the gift,
And forget about the gift-GIVER.

Here's what happens to me...
Something weighs heavy on my heart,
Something that is needed but doesn't exist yet.
It could be a business solution,
It could be a solution to help people,
Either way, my heart aches for it,
Sometimes silently,
Sometimes ardently.
Then one day an idea hits me,
It rings clear as a bell,
The thoughts form,
The concept materialize,
Lo and below, a solution is formed!
I'm totally pumped.
It feels so good,
So right,
So YES!!!
So then...
Because it feels so right,
Because it feels so good,
I think it means GO NOW,
So I go.
Only my own,
Thanking God,
Leaving Him behind.
I form the plans,
I make the connections,
I strategize,
And assume that God is following along.
I didn't say it,
But my actions say,
"God, take a back seat. I got this.",
I totally ran with the GIFT,
I totally forgot about the gift-GIVER.
I was more interested in ACCOMPLISHING,
Than I was with PARTNERING with God.
I know I'm not a lone in this.
As a entrepreneurs we tend to be a little cra-cra,
I love my fellow cra-cra entrepreneurs.
But I wish someone should have told me sooner,
That God doesn't run at a pace,
Like me with my hair on fire.
I wish someone would have told me,
To seek the gift-GIVER's thoughts before executing a plan.
I wish someone would have told me that,
God comes in a still small whisper that I have to seek.
Then perhaps I would have known not to leave the gift-GIVER behind.
"As long he sought the Lord, God gave him success."
We have formed a habit of trusting in our "go-getter" abilities.
We consider it a badge of honor,
To run with things and not look back.
But God is different.
He wants to run with us,
Perhaps jog with us,
Rest with us.
God doesn't wear us down,
God doesn't drive us into the ground,
God doesn't burn us out.
That only happens when we forget the gift-GIVER.
"God has the power to help or to overthrow."
As I run with the gift of an idea,
As I carry the weigh on my own shoulders,
I can see God being like "Umm... I gave you that idea, but I wanted you to sit with it for 9 months while I develop your character and your heart, and line up resources in my perfect timing."
I love hearing other peoples' testimony on succeeding with God,
How they had small beginnings,
But had big desires,
And God came through with big provisions,
God is the ultimate gift-GIVER.
However, the lesson in all the stories is,
How God processed them,
How God put them through a waiting season,
How God set their foundations straight before building on it.
A beautiful analogy I heard was this...
"When we ask God for an oak tree, He gives us an acorn".
God doesn't take us from small to big overnight.
Instead He trains us,
Coaches us,
Then graduates us.
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin".
God is not an instant microwavable dinner.
He is not rushed by time,
Time does not dictate His actions,
He dictates perfect timing,
God is the ultimate gift-GIVER.
If you have big dreams with God,
If you have a vision, a purpose or a promise God gave you,
A precious gift that is your future,
Always remember the gift-GIVER,
And be prepared to posture your heart to seek Him and only Him.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding".
"Dear Jesus,
Help me trust in YOU and not myself.
Not my abilities,
Not the market,
Not other humans,
Not my bank account,
Help me trust YOU and only YOU.
May I not be enamored with the gift,
But more in love with YOU, the gift-GIVER.
May I not be focused on hitting a goal,
May I not be driven in a way that has me forget about You,
May I seek Your kingdom FIRST.
Teach me to slow down,
To seek Your voice,
To hear Your voice,
To obey Your voice.
Help me with any unbelief in hearing You.
Help me with any unbelief in how interested You are in details.
Help me with any unbelief in how much better Your ways are than mine.
I am but a foolish human,
Forgive me for my pride,
Forgive me for my assuming,
Forgive me for forgetting about You.
Fall afresh on me.
Teach me to hear Your voice louder and clearer than ever before,
Change my heart to desire you more than ever,
Grant me humility, obedience and child-like faith.
Show me the way and help me follow.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to trusting God, the gift-GIVER and not the gift!
Have an amazing day! ^_^