Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me.
"Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me."
These are the words I hear when I am afraid.
"Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me."
These are the words I hear when I am uncertain.
"Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me."
These are the words I hear when I am frustrated or overwhelmed.
What does this mean?
For many of us, the day is packed.
Appointments are back to back.
Minute to minute, every second is consumed.
No time for God.

"Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me."
What does that mean?
What does God want from me?
"Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me."
Make time.
Leave margin.
Back to back all day long is not abundance.
It is not efficiency.
It is scarcity.
Are you afraid there's not enough time?
In a day and age when we work from home,
In a day and age when we consider ourselves the boss...
Why do we pressure ourselves so much?
Why do we leave God out?
Why do we not have room for Him?
It's a choice.
It's a habit.
It's an addiction to busy-ness.
If we only knew what God had in store for us.
If we only knew how much better His plan is than ours.
If we only trusted in His power more than ours.
He is wiser.
He is greater.
He is infinite.
If we truly believed this,
Would we act so scarce with our time?
God does not want our money.
God does not want our skills or knowledge.
God wants our HEART.
Our heart contains our desires.
He wants to BE our desire.
He wants to lead us to greatness far beyond our wildest imaginations.
If you only knew how the world has minimized His greatness.
Put God in a small box.
Put false labels on Him and made Him a minimalist in potential.
If you only knew how God can use one weak human to do BIG God things.
All He needs is your availability.
Your time.
Your heart.
But right now our hearts are consumed with our needs, not His.
Our hearts are filled with desire for money, success and OUR plans, not His.
Our hearts betray.
Our hearts lead us astray and distract us with worldly desires.
You have a choice.
Open your eyes.
See the truth.
God is BIGGER than all of this.
Bigger than our measly 80 years on earth.
Bigger than our temporary bodies.
Bigger than death itself.
Why are we not serving Him unconditionally?
We need to change our HEARTS.
Only God can do this.
It's a total mind-shift.
Are you ready?
Let's pray...
"Change my heart O God,
Make it ever true.
Change my heart O God,
May I be like you.
You are the potter,
I am the clay.
Mold me and shape me,
This is what I pray.
Grant me the desires of Your heart and make all Your plans succeed.
Use me as a vessel for the Holy Spirit and do things I could never imagine.
Make me bold, hot and unstoppable for You.
Use all my talents and gifts you have given me so at heaven's gates I can profess my time was spent on you and not my house, car, bank account or toys.
When you ask me 'How did you spend your time?'
I can answer 'I spent it with You'.
Let me not be a mediocre believer.
Let me not be led astray.
Let me be HOT for You now and forever.
Let it be this way.
In Jesus name Amen."
Now when God says...
"Trust Me. Seek Me. Follow Me."
I pray your answer will be YES.
"Yes Lord, whatever you want. Use me. I am Yours."