Truth about Multi-tasking...
Do you know the truth about Multi-tasking?
QUESTION: If you want the highest quality result, do you multi-task or focus on one thing?
Does multi-tasking EVER produce better results than singular focus?
Highest quality results come from a sharp, singular focus.
Multi-tasking never produces higher quality results than singular focus.
So why do we multi-task?
We THINK we are doing more when we multi-task.
We THINK we are doing better than we really are.
Little do we know that multi-tasking comes at a PRICE.
Every time you multi-task...
Do you feel less or more peaceful?
Do you feel less or more surrender and joy?
Do you feel the reigns in your hand tightening?
Do you feel an aggressive "get it done" attitude bulldozing through the day?
Do you feel an abundance-based POWER or a "grit-it" type FORCE?
Multi-tasking at it's core is a FORCE to cram more in a time-frame that normally would not fit.
As a result you increase stress every time you multi-task.
Have you noticed...
After muti-tasking for longer periods of time, it's never "Wow, I feel so refreshed, clear and focused from doing ten things at one time."
You never say, "I need to really get this right so I need to multi-task while doing it."
The truth is, when we multi-task, we are using a credit of peace from our mental bank account.
Every time you multi-task, it increases a unit of stress and decreases a unit of peace.
After you do it all day, you are strained mentally and physically.
You will feel exhausted from multi-tasking over long periods of time.
Be VERY clear that multi-tasking is NOT free.
It does NOT produce the best quality.
You ALWAYS pay a price.
Now let's go deeper.
Why do you multi-task?
On the surface, the answer is "to get more done".
Dig deeper.
It's a "scarcity of time" issue.
Scarcity is a FEAR based mindset.

When you multi-task, at the root of it is FEAR.
Fear is driving you to want to get more done in less time.
Why? There's not enough time. Go, go, go!
Get more done. Rush, rush, rush.
Does that sound or feels like God?
A God of abundance, peace and grace?
Have you ever seen Jesus rush or multi-task?
If anything Jesus seemed to always be a little too chill.
But if Jesus was perfect, then WE are the ones not chill enough.
We rush too much.
We fear there's not enough time.
Rip the blinders off and notice the silent humming of fear in our life.
The humming that makes us cram too much in our day.
The humming that doesn't let us rest, pause or hear God.
The humming that prevents us from listening for God and waiting for His instructions.
God is ABUNDANT, not scarce.
Think about what an ABUNDANCE of time looks like.
If you had abundance or unlimited time...
You'd do thing one at a time in EXCELLENCE.
You wouldn't cram things in.
If you had unlimited time...
You would have more PEACE and less stress.
Therefore, be VERY clear...
The ROOT of multi-tasking is FEAR.
Dare I say multi-tasking is like a drug?
You can get addicted to it.
It feels good and productive at first...
But after a while, you see what it's doing to your body and your emotions...
You can't stop.
You feel like you have to keep doing it.
It causes you to become cranky and unpleasant.
No one says "Wow, since you started multi-tasking you've been such a joy to be around."
People notice how stressed you are.
You're short tempered with your family and loved ones.
You may feel your tank getting empty or perhaps on your way to burnout.
Now that you see that multi-tasking is a FEAR based action... now what?
Is change possible?
With the demands on your day, is it practical?
Like an addict that KNOWS the drug is bad...
The first step is honesty.
Admit that you have a problem.
In the following message, I will share steps to break free from this fear and addiction.
Much like the 12 step program for drug rehab,
The first step is to admit that you have a problem.
Start there.
Let's pray into it...
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help. I'm addicted to multi-tasking.
In Jesus name, I break agreement with the spirit of fear and surrender it to You.
Forgive me for letting fear into my life.
I surrender my habits and desires to You.
Help me continue to surrender these things everyday.
I invite you to come into my heart to transform it.
Renew it.
Refresh it.
Light it on fire for You.
I unleash the fullness of Your plans into my life.
Your will be done.
In Jesus name, Amen."
It's battle time!
Battle against fear and scarcity.
It's a journey to re-wire your habits of running on the fuel of fear and urgency.
Look what it's done to your energy, joy and peace.
Reclaim what is rightfully yours through Jesus and kick the enemy's but back into no-man's land.
"For God did not give you the spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind."
Own it baby!!!
It'll be great.
How is this concept feeling for you? Strange, good, don't know? ^_^