Un-messy Politics (for Real Estate)
Did you know there's a way to...
Stand for our country,
Stand for what's right,
Unite the country,
Regardless of "party" lines?
The truth is...
We all want justice.
We all want peace.
We all want opportunities.
We all want prosperity.

There's one thing us "humans" forget to do.
Let God handle the details.
He's bigger than our disagreements.
He's bigger than party labels.
He's bigger than our past mistakes.
Dude... He's God. Remember?
Creator of the universe.
Breath of life.
Master of the universe.
Don't you think He handle corrupt politicians?
Don't you think He can move his spirit to clean up politics?
He's waiting on us.
Waiting on us to pray.
Waiting on us to ask.
Waiting on us to earnestly desire...
A holy government body.
A united country under God.
A peaceful, loving, generous country.
Freedom for all regardless of party name or religion.
Here's what everyone needs to do...
Pray that justice prevails.
Pray that whoever is in office is being used by God.
Pray that the peaceful and righteous will of God prevails.
If we can come together in that...
We can forget party lines.
Forget labels of republican or democrat.
Forget right or left.
Forget who did what.
Here's what DOESN'T work:
...Insulting parties, politicians, groups, and events.
...Quote facts or sound bites don't work either.
The bigger reason why it doesn't work...
There is a bigger war...
"For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh"
There's a massive spiritual war taking place.
We can't fight it with fleshy comments or posts.
Only a spiritual weapon that will defeat the spirit of fear, corruption, anger, violence, murder and more.
That weapon is prayer.
Powerful prayers.
Victorious prayers.
Special prayers.
Prayers of spiritual warfare.
Prayers of declarations.
Prayers to bind evil.
Prayers to let loose God's goodness.
Prayers to send a spiritual nuclear bomb in the enemy's camp.
Prayers to dismantle the enemy's schemes and devices.
Prayers to cancel evil plans against our country.
Pray like a warrior.
You can become a prayer warrior.
Just choose to be one.
There's nothing quite like prayer.
It's powerful.
It's divine.
It's dangerous (for the enemy).
It's healing.
It's peace giving.
The best way to fight this spirital war...
AND the strongest weapon you have is prayer.
Prayer cuts through the evil like a sharp two-edged sword.
Here's a quick example if you want to build on this.
"God, have mercy on this country.
Forgive us for our sinful ways and restore your glory, power, and praise. Let loose of the fullness of your plan unleashed on this country, and your will be done.
Let corruption be exposed and defeated, replaced with clean hearts transformed by your spirit.
We bind the spirit of corruption, hate, greed, lust, fear, pride and rebellion and let loose Your victory for justice, peace, joy, love and happiness for this country.
Let this prayer land like a nuclear bomb in the enemy's camp.
Let's do it.
Don't worry about politics. This prayer will take care of all the noise.
Human labels and names are "noisy".
God doesn't care.
He can use anyone to accomplish His will.
Solve our country's problem by taking it to the big guy in the sky.
He's got this.
He's got your back.
He's waiting on us to earnestly pray and desire it.
Cheers to our country and your success!