Unit of Peace

We all carry SOME units of Peace.
It's like a Peace gas tank.
When it's full, you feel peaceful.
When it's empty, you feel fear.
When it's less than 1/2 tank, you feel anxiety.

Let's say you wake up in the morning and your Peace tank is 75% full.

You can do things in the morning that fill that tank to 100%.
- Silence in morning = (+) PLUS 10 units of peace
- Coffee and scripture = (+) PLUS 15 units of peace
- Scripture, worship, prayer = (+) PLUS 20 units of peace
Quiet time in the morning, , reading scripture, , worshiping, etc.

You can do things that drain it to 25%...
- Check your email = (-) MINUS 10 units of peace
- Talk to an angry client = (-) MINUS 20 units of peace
- worry about your finances = (-) MINUS 30 units of peace
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