Unpacking the Sword...

I love this verse. It is a weapon if I ever saw one!

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

This verse so stuffed with power it's like a full lunch box that we need to unpack just to eat it properly. ^_^

So let's start unpacking...!

PART 1: "For the word of God is living and active"

Imagine a supernatural book that is filled with power that with your spiritual eyes you may even see it glow as you read it even for a moment. God's word is ALIVE and ACTIVE. It holds the power to change the nature of your thoughts and sharpen your perception.

It's so powerful that the devil himself trembles at the thought of God's people reading it and seeking wisdom from it. Read it with an open and humble heart and God's words has the power to break off fear, sadness, anger, resentment and any trauma known to mankind. That's why Satan wants to keep us so busy and prevent us from tapping into such great power and wisdom.

An important key to reading God's word is to start by asking Holy Spirit to bring His words to life and to open your spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear. It makes all the difference in the world. Try it out and see what happens.

PART 2: "sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow"

Our soul and spirit are at war. The soul is our human thoughts that cry "I want...., I think..., I feel...". The untrained soul is noisy like an untrained child.

Our spirit is the Godly part of us that is reborn when we accepted Jesus and is concerned about "What does God want..., God think..., God feel...?". These two are fighting for space in our mind. Imagine them getting tangled up like a ball yarn and you can't tell apart one from the other.

However when you read God's word, it cuts through and separates the soulish thoughts from the thoughts of the spirit and allows you to hear God's voice more clearly. God's word is a powerful weapon that improves your cell phone reception with the Heavenly Father. No wonder Satan wants us to think we don't have enough time to read God's word. No wonder Satan convinces us that listening to sermons and Youtube are good enough. But it's not.

Reading scripture for yourself daily is critical. Reading God's word directly is like meat and potatoes while podcasts and Youtube sermons are like baby's milk. Don't let Satan fool you. Stop sucking on baby's milk and get into God's word yourself. Start getting spiritually strong because the spiritual battle is REAL!

PART 3: "discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

I heard it said that "The Bible the only book that reads YOU as you read it." There are aha moments and stirring of the heart that comes from reading the Bible yourself. As you read God's word, it's common that you will realize the motivations of your heart that you didn't know were there. You may be pushing for a goal, but it may be out of fear. You may be striving for success but it may be out of lack of self-worth. God's word is literally a light into the dark places of your heart. Satan's lies cannot hide from this light which is why he is desperately keeping you too busy to read the Bible yourself.

Don't believe me?
Try this experiment.
Reading out loud (loudly) Hebrews 4:12 as a declaration 5 times and see what happens.
How do you feel?
What thoughts come to mind?
How about them apples, eh? ^_^

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Be my sword and cut through the noise in my life.
Cut through fear,
Cut through the anxiety and sleepless nights.
Cut through the lies of the enemy and set me free.

Help me get into Your word each day,
Help me make time,
Give me a desire to read Your word each day,
I need help from the ground up with EVERYTHING.
Jesus, HELP!

Cheers to you wielding the sharp, double-edged sword of God's word yourself. Wohooo!!!
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