Very Special Friend...

We come together today to celebrate the birthday of a very special friend.
He has really been there for me through thick and thin,
Waited for me for 20 years to become my friend,
Has never gotten impatient or angry at me,
Always caring and available to hear my voice.
He's a friend you can call at midnight when you can't sleep and gives the best advice.
He's a friend that is always willing to go grab a bite to eat, exercise or play.
He's a friend that loves to be introduced to my other friends and lights up when He meets them.
He's a friend that knows my heart better than I do.
He's a friend that never judges me or shames me.
He's never bossy but always wise.
Never in a rush but always on time.
He's a friend that helps me clean up messes that I've made even after He warned me not to.
He's a friend that always comforts me and has a shoulder to lean on when I'm tired or sad.
He's the only friend that will NEVER disappoint me.
He's the only friend that always WINS for me and has a 100% success rate in ALL things!
I can count on Him always.
Thank you for being the best friend in the world.

Happy Birthday Jesus!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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