Vessel in Real Estate

Do you know what agents & brokers need more than leads?

How many times have you seen agents drool over "leads"?

How many times have you seen agents & brokers with too many leads and still wanting more leads?

Don't get me wrong. 

Leads are necessary for growth.
But do you ever feel an endless craving to grow the business?

How much of that craving is your flesh vs the Holy Spirit?

All I'm saying is check with your own spirit to see if it aligns with God's desire for you.

Here's a quick prayer to share with you...

1) Lord, I open my heart to you. Change me. Mold me. I am the clay, You are the potter.

2) Create a desire in me to follow Your plan. Grant me supernatural faith to believe Your plan is greater than my own.

3) Use me Lord to be a vessel for You in life and real estate.
Make it all Yours. Let my hands be your hands.
Let my feet be Your feet.
Do something amazing with my business and my life.
Rock my world.
Rock my business to be a splendid vessel for you.

Thank you for the plans you have for me.
Plan to prosper me to give me hope and a future.
In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

May you be a light on top of a hill for God and real estate.


Have a beautiful, blessed day.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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