Victory Over Panic Attacks

Here's a truth...

Many people suffer from panic attacks.


"God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, and of LOVE and of a sound mind."

I invite you to look at it from the spiritural perspective.


A panic attack IS a spiritual attack from the enemy (aka. devil, demons, evil spirits).

Life is a spiritual battle.
In these spiritual attacks everything is rooted in FEAR.
Fear is the root of anxiety, worry or stress.

A panic attack is a coordinated effort by the enemy to burst heavy loads of fear into your mind.
These bursts of attacks are designed to make you feel weak and helpless.

HOWEVER, you are not helpless.

You have access to GREAT power to overcome this.


"If God is for us, who can be against us?"

The devil knows you have more power in your pinky finger with GOD on your side than his whole army combine.
The devil is more afraid of you tapping into God's power than anything else.

So what can you do about it?
FIGHT back with prayer.

"In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of fear, anxiety and chaos.
I silence them NOW in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus name, I command them to leave NOW."

This is not a helpless prayer.
This is one with authority and power.
Open a can of WHOOP on these evil spirits and take your life back.

Want to try out more power and punch?

"In Jesus name, I rain down Holy fire into the enemy's camp,
I dismantle and destroy any plans, schemes or devices against me.
I declare victory in Jesus name.

I surrender everything to you God,
Take the fear, anxiety, worry and chaos,
Thank you Jesus. Thank you."

Don't forget to unleash the good stuff....

"In Jesus name, I unlease the spirit of love, joy, peace and surrender.
In Jesus name, I unleash the fullness of your plans into my life.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you."

There is power in the name of Jesus and this is just another way you can use it with power, love and a sound mind.

Notice how you feel lighter.
Notice how the heaviness is gone.
Don't forget to thank Jesus for what He did just now.
Keep thanking Him (the enemy hates that btw).
Keep thanking Him to stay plugged into the goodness.

If you apply God to your life you will have "the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

Jesus is victor.
Jesus is conquerer.
Jesus is provider.
Jesus is king of king and lord of lords.

Once you learn how to free yourself, you can teach others how to do the same.

Break away from fear, panic attacks and any other attack of the enemy by...
Loving God
Loving Others
Sharing God w/Love + Teaching others how to do the same.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cheers to a victorious day!

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