Waiting Isn't Easy

Waiting isn't easy.

Especially when we're labeled as "go-getters" and celebrated as "action takers" our whole life.
Decades of programming to be in that gear is hard to unwind.

Without a doubt, I have been a person of action my whole life.
No one could "out-work" me.
I prided myself on hard work.
A stellar work ethic.
I considered it a key ingredient to success.

What if I was wrong?

What if hard work can produce outstanding results, but what if it's really inefficient and ineffective in a MUCH grander scheme of things?

We can all achieve a certain level of success with hard work.
Then we realize that what we really want is the amazing results with the least amount of work.

Does that sound lazy?

But in order to live that life, we must learn to WAIT on God's command.
WAIT on His instructions.
WAIT on His timing.
WAIT for His perfect plan.

God is all about "Work Smarter Not Harder",
But it involves WAITING on Him.

WAITING triggers me.
Because it means NOT taking action.

When I don't take action, I feel like I'm missing out.
I feel like I'm not going to achieve my goal.
I feel like I'm NOT going to get what I want.

At the root...
This is FEAR.
Sneeaaakky, eh?

It turns out the problem to WAITING is rooted in fear.

However, "God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind."

God never fails.
His timing is perfect.
He is super efficient.

He's actually SO smart and efficient that He's never in a rush.
He's actually SO precise that He's never short on time.
He's actually SO perfect that 11th hour miracles are a sign of His work, not ours.

What would it be like to operate on a different plane when it comes to timing, effort and planning?

What would it be like to be so perfectly timed and synced up with ALL the variables in the universe that what seems like "last minute" is merely perfect timing?

What if this was the NEW normal way of operating?

What would we call that?

But to God, it's perfectly natural.
So how can be do more that that... God's natural, our supernatural.

Is it even possible?
Is it even feasible?

God leaves a lot of clues & instructions telling us to operate with Him in everything.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Question: Why should we not be anxious about anything?
Answer: God is supposed to be an integral part of EVERYTHING. When we have taken steps so precise and exact according to His word and plan, the you have the CONFIDENCE to not be anxious about anything. '
It's not just a YOLO or Geronimo moment.
It's not a gamble or throwing your hands up in ignorance.
It's a day to day INTENTIONAL act of listening, surrendering and obeying. That's how we can live without anxiety everyday.

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

Question: What can give us such confidence and assurance about things we cannot see?
Answer: When you hear God and talk to Him everyday, your confidence grows. How do you do that? What if there was a process and strategy of praying, listening, waiting, and obeying God? Imagine a strategy or process leads you straight to God and His voice every single time?

It turns out God made things way easier than we thought. We were never meant to NOT hear God. We were meant to build up faith by literally communicating with Him. Communication IS the relationship. It's actually the missing piece. HEARING GOD. Just imagine, if you knew how to ask, listen, wait and hear God, wouldn't you be a TON more confident in what you hope for and assured about all that is not seen? Doesn't that make a whole lot more sense?

God made "faith" a lot easier than we think.

HUMAN VERSION: Believe in God when you can NOT see Him, hear Him or touch Him.
GOD VERSION: Learn how to HEAR God clearly and see miracles and His fingerprints over everything in your life everyday. That's much easier.

Faith is A LOT easier in the God version.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

When we hear God daily, it is WAAAAYYY easier to know that He is working for our greater good. That's he's got things SOOO under control.

Then we can...

"Peace be still know that I am God."

We were MEANT TO
Hear God everyday.
Talk to Him everyday.
Be led by God in every thought and decision.

Your PERSONAL relationship with God was meant to light and easy, not a burden.
Your PERSONAL relationship with God was meant to be fun and amazing, not a chore.

We've got God wrong in so many ways.
It's so much BETTER than what we have grown up with.
It's so much more REAL than we ever thought.
It's so much more RICH than we ever experienced.

Open your mind up to NEW possibilities.
New experiences.
New revelations.
New miracles.
Your life can be filled with the movement of the Holy Spirit EVERY DAY.

It's SUPPOSED to be.

Humans just lost it along the way.
It's ok.
God can fix anything.
He is a redeemer of time.
He is a redeemer of all relationships, hurts and pains.

God can make anything whole and complete.

Are you open to this new possibility?

A new God experience you never even imagined?
A new God relationship that is so real you feel it everyday?
A new God life that is filled with power, love and a sound mind?

Are you ready?

God is.
Are you?

He wants to unleash so much goodness in your life.
Are you willing to accept?

Say "YES" to the dress! (figuratively speaking)
Say "YES" to God.

Cheers to your success!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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