Waiting on the Lord... for Realtors

Always on the go,

Never a moment to stop.
Who has time, right?

When life is busy and your shcedule is packed, the question you ask must change.

Instead of "who has time?" it must be "I will make time."

In life... are you walking the dog, or is the dog walking you?

Are you letting your "busy"-ness determine whether you have margin and breathing room in between appointments or are you allowing it to become jam packed?

The decision is simple, not easy.

1) You can say "I am going to put 10 min break between my appointments so I can breath and chat with God."


2) You can say "I don't have time for a breather, load it up!"


Listen, every Realtor / Broker in the country can pack their calendar and run around like a chicken with their head cut off.
That's average Realtor / Broker behavior.
Do you want to be average?

I think you can be more than average.
You can be stellar, extraordinary and outstanding.

Here's how...

CHOOSE to do business with God.
Yup, that's far from normal.

CHOOSE to connect with God intentionally throughout your day.
Let Him speak to you in your breaks.
Let Him calm you in your extra 10 min between appointments.
Check in with God and say...

"Here I am, I have come...
I desire to do Your will, my God."

Be available.
Be willing.
Be awesome.

As we enter into 2022,
What type of relationship do you want with God in your business?
Do you want Him to mind someone else's business or mind yours?

Don't you want Him involved in your day to day decisions?
Don't you want supernatural coverage and prosperity?
Don't you want miracles happening regularly in your business?
If you choose to do business with God, these are just a small sample of the perks.

God has the best benefit package.
God has the best business plan.
God has the deepest pockets to take your business to the next level.

Won't you consider SERIOUSLY doing business with God in 2022?
Why wait?
Start preparing your heart for it now.
Pray this prayer...

"Dear God,
I declare my business is Your business.
Come into my life and my business.
Consult me.
Guide me.
Teach me Your ways.
Change my heart to LOVE surrender and obedience.
Send the right people and resources my way to learn how to do this.
Put me in the right place at the right time through your divine intervention everyday.
Who needs luck when I have you? ^_^
Thank You Jesus, Thank You.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

Just keep praying this prayer.
Turn over your heart to God in prayer everyday.
God will handle the rest.
Just follow His lead.

He will stir and prompt your heart.
Just follow the nudges and whispers in your heart.
Trust that God will take care of you.
Trust that God has been waiting for this invitation for a LOOOONNGG time.

He will not falter.
He will finish what He's started with you.
Jesus NEVER fails.

Cheers to your success!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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