Warrior Theory...
I have a theory...
Children, teens and young adults are literally OVERFLOWING with energy they don't know what to do with themselves.
Full of excitement, passion,
So moldable,
That's the beauty of children.
When they get hit,
They get up.
When they get bruised,
They heal fast.
Such is the body and mind of our youth.
They even seem to naturally be more in touch with Holy Spirit than adults.
"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."
So imagine this...
Imagine a tribe of children and young adults with WARRIOR spirits inside of them.
Their heart stirs with compassion seeing others in pain,
Their blood boils at the sight of injustice and evil,
With nothing to lose and everything to gain,
The enemy is VERY afraid of them.
What happens to souls that have a WARRIOR Spirit and are not taught the ways of victory?
What happens to PASSION that is not bridled to serve the Lord but left to the ways of man?
What happens to FIRE undirected and left burning to it's own accord?
It dies,
Or burns others,
Gets misdirected,
Goes out of control.
That's what's happening to our YOUTH.
Just like a FIRE can die, so can a youth's passion when left un-nurtured.
Just like a FIRE can burn others, so can the passion of youth when gone unchecked.
Just like a FIRE can get misdirected, so can the vigor of youth when left undirected.
Just like a FIRE can get out of control, so can a flaming sense of justice that sees no march towards victory.
I propose to you that God DESIGNED our youth to march towards victory,
To help the lost and underprivileged,
To see justice served to the unrighteous,
To be part of a cause and a movement that makes a difference.
The cause and movement should be JESUS.
But if the parenting generation did not have a passion for JESUS to teach and pass along, then the youth have no victory to win.
There is no cause or movement to inherit and be proud of.
So they will find their OWN.

Here's the theory...
"We all have a WARRIOR Spirit planted inside of us,
To move God's Kingdom forward.
It is a time of WAR, a SPIRITUAL WAR.
But without proper guidance or training,
Our children, our youth,
Have nowhere to channel their passion and energy.
That gives room for the enemy to get a foothold in their minds and to distort the truth and warp their compassion into rebellion and lead them astray.
A WARRIOR Spirit without JESUS is without TRUE purpose and falls to distraction and rots from the inside out.
Their soul seeks purpose and a mission but if the older generation has forgotten it,
The Great Commission,
The full POWER of the Holy Spirit that comes with it,
Then the youth are surely lost."
A WARRIOR Spirit's energy and passion needs to be directed and finely honed.
The children need to learn, room to practice, fight, grow and taste VICTORY for God.
If not, they will be doomed to be ROT and their soul will distract itself with all the worldly things to fill that void that ONLY God can fill.
It's like having a HUGE harvest of the the most delicious apples.
If you can't eat it all, you MUST give it away.
You MUST distribute it.
Use it.
Share it.
Because doing NOTHING is the worst thing of all.
The spirits of our WARRIOR children must not die from INACTION.
They must NOT be allowed ROT with lack of training and direction.
Or else the STENCH will come.
The stench of their REBELLION,
Their frustration,
Their anger.
They know something is wrong,
They know something is off,
They NEED a wise counselor, leader and teacher.
But without one,
The enemy will use that fiery passion and WARP it,
PERVERT it into something like the WOKE movement.
Creating riots,
Destroying cities,
Thinking that is justice.
Satan will always create a warped and perverted version of God's plan.
God was the FIRST one to design children for victory and love.
Because parts of the body of Christ has fallen asleep, our children are becoming warped and twisted in their thinking.
They don't even know what gender they are anymore.
They are chronically depressed and suicidal.
They lack purpose and passion.
They seek satisfaction in social media, sex, drugs, porn, and alcohol.
These are the outcries of a ROTTING Warrior spirit.
This passion,
This vigor,
This innocence,
They were all meant to be used for GOD not Satan.
Take a look around.
What's happening to the WARRIOR spirits around you?
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy"
We are ALL in a spiritual battle.
Satan wants to take ALL of us down.
Our health, mind, faith, family and children...
Even our businesses.
Satan wants to warp it into a evil empire OR a lame duck version of God's plan.
Both are victories for Satan and a loss for God.
So that's why we must realize that no one is on the outskirts of this battle.
We are ALL at war.
We must be alert and aware.
We must take this Spiritual Battle seriously.
Especially for the next, younger generation.
Protect their WARRIOR spirits so they don't ROT and become WARPED or PERVERTED.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
We need you.
Desperately so.
Our children are at war and we have been sleeping at the wheel.
Their WARRIOR spirits are hungry or rotting and we haven't been able to recognize it.
But now that we do.
Show US how to rise as WARRIORS ourselves and train the next generation to become even GREATER warriors.
To obtain victory and fulfill the Great Commission in such excellence that it would give you JUSTIFIABLE reason to come back to us even one day sooner.
Lord, let's win this battle.
We want to stop dragging our feet,
We don't want a 2 week trip to become 40 years of chasing our tails.
Help us stop delaying your return any longer.
Help us put an end to this wretched sin by fulfilling the prophecy of DISCIPLING all the nations so you can come back to us.
Help us realize that we are not waiting on YOU.
You are waiting on US.
Wake us up,
Help us wake up other sleepy heads,
Fall afresh on us,
And let's do this thaaang!!
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to getting a FRESH Warrior anointing on your life.
Cheers to VICTORYYYYY!!!! ^_^