We Want Cotton Candy...
Let's look at the world through fresh eyes this new year,
Discarding what is normal and acceptable,
Discarding what we deem as safe or smart TODAY,
Which can be dumb and deadly TOMORROW.
For example...
Cocaine was used to be in Coca-cola which was a medicinal drink.
Now it is an outlawed narcotic and a source of organized crime.
Smoking cigarettes used to be promoted by doctors as healthy,
Now it is recognized as a cause for lung cancer and banned in many public spaces.
Mercury used to be used for tooth fillings,
Now it is a known heavy metal toxin that causes neurological, brain and kidney damage.
The list goes on...
We as humans DON'T know what is good for us.
But God does.
"Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."
As God's children,
When we ask our Father for cotton candy,
And He wants to give us a mind-blowing feast.
When we ask our Father make a million dollars,
Our Father wants to give us faith and obedience.
"Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice"
When we ask our Father for passive income and cash flow to retire,
Our Father wants us to trust His provisions not our money making abilities.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth... But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven"
When we ask our Father to make OUR vision and plans succeed,
He wants to give us something greater than our wildest imagination.
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him"
In this new year,
I invite you to peel out of the mindset of normal humans,
But look upwards,
To really surrender all,
Surrender your comfort and desires,
To lay it all down and say,
"not My will, but Yours be done"
Remember that God's kingdom is an upside down kingdom.
It's not by our design but by His,
It's not by our talent but by God's grace.
If you have a plan you can imagine it, it's not big enough.
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him"
If you really want to big kahuna of what God has planned,
Let go of YOUR desires, YOUR plans and surrender it all to GOD.
Get to the point where you're ok with it NOT happening the way you think or maybe not at all.
Why? Cuz God's plan is just better.
Abraham did not know the fullness of God's plan through His lineage,
Moses had no idea that God would deliver 10 plagues to Egypt and pass down the 10 commandments through him,
David had no idea that his reign would be glory days of Israel's history,
Joseph had no clue that he would become the 2nd in command of Egypt.
If we want the BIG plan God has for us,
We need to let go of our tiny-big plan.
We must realize,
We do NOT have God figured out,
We do NOT know what God's plan is,
What we think is a big plan,
Is not big at all.
Let's get off our high horse,
Let's bend our knees,
Surrender our plans and dreams,
And ask God for HIS plans.
Don't settle for the cotton candy that the world offers,
But ask for the feast God has prepared for you.
Wake up to a new future,
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him"
"Dear Heavenly Father,
My flesh wants cotton candy,
My flesh wants riches,
My flesh wants comfort,
Over Your plan.
Help me truly seek YOUR plan,
Help me realize I don't have you figured out,
Help me realize that if I can imagine it,
It's not big enough.
Grant me Your holy imagination,
To realize how BIG You truly are,
Help me surrender completely to Your plan,
Help me experience You in a whole new way.
Come, Lord, come!
Into my life and make me anew,
Revamp my goals to be pleasing to You,
Revamp my desires to only want You,
Revamp my thoughts to seek You first.
In Jesus name Amen."
Cheers to seeking God for the BIG plan and letting go of our tiny plan.