We're All God's Real Estate Agents...

Did you know that we're all God's real estate agents?

Yes, I mean YOU! ^_^

What does that mean?

It means we're supposed to help people get their FREE mansion in God's kingdom!
Imagine being like Oprah...
"You get a house! You get a house! You get a house!" ^_^
(And the crowd goes wild!!)

Here's the thing...
Every Christian (follower of Jesus) has the RESPONSIBILITY to get more people into God's kingdom.

Just like a real estate agent's job is to sell homes,
A Christians job is to lead people to Jesus.

If an agent were to say "I'm a real estate agent but I don't sell homes."
You would wonder, "Why did you get your license?"

If a Christian says I believe in Jesus but I'm not going to share Him,
That's like a concert promoter saying my job is to sell out the concert but I'm just going to keep the tickets to myself.
Being a passive Christian is the OPPOSITE of what Jesus told us to do.
Jesus made it very clear...
"go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Who's supposed to do this?
EVERY Christian!
No exception.
Jesus didn't make exceptions in the Great Commission.
It doesn't matter whether you're...
a business owner,
or too busy,
or too old,
or too young,

or have high cholesterol level,
or not enough time.

E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E has the assignment to make disciples of all nations,
And YOUR nation is right in front of you.
Your family.
Brother or sister.

There's opportunity ALL around you to draw people close to Christ.
Don't UNDERESTIMATE the opportunities of people who ALREADY believe in Jesus.

Here's the sad truth...
Many Christians don't have a HOT, personal relationship with Jesus.
Many Christians have a lame duck version of it.
They're not EXCITED about Jesus.

What can you do?

Let's see...
Can you encourage them?
Can you pray for them?
Can you point them back to Jesus as a solution? To a bible example?
Can you send them a Youtube sermon link related to their challenge?

Yes, yes, yes!
There's so many ways you can touch the lives of people around you but you have to be INTENTIONALLY looking.

Are you servicing your own family and friends?
Are you praying for those closest to you?
And when you do... God will open up the next level and increase your influence and exposure.
"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much".

God has BIG plans for you.
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Don't underestimate the mission and assignment God has given you.

"Dear God,
Refresh my mind with the things you put on my heart.
Help me desire the things you have assigned to me.
Help me find my portion of the Great Commission.
Make it interesting and fun for me.
Light me on fire.
Help me find YOUR purpose in my life.
Fill my cup and make it overflow.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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