What are you Paid for vs Made for?

Quick question... What are you PAID for vs MADE for?

Your job is what you are getting PAID to do.
But what has God MADE you for?

Simply put, we are all put on this earth to move God's kingdom forward with our unique abilities.

How is it being used for God?

Your unique gift and ability is something that should be honed and utilized everyday.

Think of it as "Once in a while" vs. "All the time".

If you feel your gift moves the kingdom forward "once in a while", that may be a cause for reconsideration.

It's easy to think that the two cannot co-exist and play together in our life.

The idea of getting PAID for doing our job AND moving the kingdom forward? Whhhaaatt?!?!?!

That's not what the world teaches us.
That's not what we learn in school.

Let God blow your mind.
Let Him shatter all norms and limiting beliefs.
Let God connect what we are "PAID" to do with what we're "MADE" to do.

Do you reeaaallyy think our big, awesome God didn't design for those two to be connected?
Of course He did!
Because that's the most bomb-awesome combination evaaaa!!!

The enemy wants to keep it disconnected.
The enemy wants us to believe the LIE that it can't be connected.
Who are you going to let win?

We are ALL made to move the kingdom forward in our unique way,
With our unique abilities.

Whether you're a in sales, admin support, CEO or CFO,
Your day is sprinkled with opportunities to share and think about God.
The more you pay attention, the more you'll notice.

Just today I was in an oral surgeon's office with a family member.
I found out that the nurse was an entrepreneur and he had 2 sides businesses. As we talked, he started showing pictures of his store and product.
My heart warmed at the thought of a fellow entrepreneur doing his "thaang".
I had a desire to help in my own little way.

Because I believe there's power in our words and even MORE POWER in prayer, especially where two or more are gathered...
I asked if he was a man of faith and if it would be ok to pray for him and his business.
There was brief shock in his face, then he gladly said yes.
Right there in that room, the three of us held hands and prayed a prayer of blessing into his life and business.
We prayed that God would unleash the fullness of His plans into his life and move the kingdom forward through him.
That was fun!

Yesterday, I was at a doctor appointment.
The nurse and doctor was in the room explaining things.
They asked if I had any other questions.
I said "I have a small, different type of request."
"Are you a man of faith by any chance?"
"I am." he replied.
"Great! Do you mind if we jump into a quick prayer over this procedure?"
"Sure." he said.
So the nurse, him and I held hands and jumped into a quick prayer.
Then I asked...
"Would it be at all possible for the team to pray over me before the surgery, whether it's silently or together? Whatever works for you guys."
They agreed to do so.
How simple was that?

Deep inside, I pray that this becomes a new norm in their business.
Secretly I wish their intake form will have a box that says, would you like for us to pray with you? Yes or No. :)
I know I did my part to bring things closer to God.
It was small but something greater than zero.
It was lots of fun!

I had a contractor come to install new stair rails.
His arm was hurt from a motorcycle accident.
I asked if he was a man of faith and if I could pray for healing for his arm.
He gladly accepted and thanked me for the prayer afterwards.

As you can see, there's so many opportunities to share God in the smallest of ways.

It truly is all around you.

I've done this with my massage therapist, physical therapist, guy at the float tank, my mold inspector, you name it.

Truly, the opportunities are everywhere.

The rule-breaker, cowboy part of me loves the fact that this totally breaks all norms of social behavior.
I'm totally tickled by how easy it is to add a little God into our lives and how well received it is.
It's FUN!
It's like candy for the soul.

In my childish little mind...
I can imagine God laughing at me, shaking His head saying, "There she goes again, ha ha ha." :)
I can imagine the angels laughing also saying, "That girl cracks me up! She craaazzyy. Rofl."
That's the narrative I choose to play in my head.
If we're going to be imagining things, might as well make it fun, eh? ^_^

Opportunities to hear and share God are plentiful.
If you're not paying attention you may think it's rare,
But once you keep your eyes peeled it's everywhere!

Likewise, what you're getting "PAID" to do is a great place for you to exercise what you are "MADE" to do.

At first you may think it's impossible to connect the two.
You may think it's too late.

Well guess what?
It's NEVER too late to take a step towards God.

It's NEVER too late to pick up the shovel for God.

God is a redeemer of time.
God is a redeemer of relationships and wounds.
God can redeem ALL that the locusts have eaten and restore it to something greater than before.

Be curious today.
Close your eyes and ask...
What am I MADE for?

How can I use the gifts you have given me?
What is your perfect plan for me?

Redeem the times passed, dreams, hopes, goals in my life.
Grant me joy and passion in moving the kingdom forward.
I call upon your promise to prosper me and give me hope and a future.
I surrender all to you.
In Jesus name, Amen."

God has GREAT plans for you!
Keep seeking with child-like curiosity!

Cheers to your purpose and mission!
Gotta Start Somewhere
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