What Does It Matter If..
If you have...
#1 place in the market,
The most sales,
The most agents,
Celebrity status,
But you don't have God leading your life...
What does it matter?

What does it matter if everyone knows your name but your kids don't have your time?
What does it matter if you have millions bank account but your relationships are broke?
What does it matter if you feed your ego and starve your soul?
This is happens we follow our flesh, but if you let God lead the way, He has so much more in store.
...more than anything we can imagine.
"What no eyes has seen, what no ears has heard, what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love Him.
The bottom line...
When you get tired if doing it your way and ready to receive the divinely planned option to unleash into your life, let God know.
Let God know you're ready for His plan.
Let God know you're ready to listen and trust.
Let God know you want healing, fulfillment, and prosperity.
Let God know you want it.
If not, ask God to help you want to want it. :)
What are you waiting for?
It's an easy trap to rely on our own smarts, our human knowledge, and the "intelligent" solutions.
Food for thought...
Did you create the universe by speaking it into existence?
Did you create heaven and earth with your mere breath and words?
Are your ways are higher than God's ways?
Putting your money where your mouth is:
It's easy to say we believe in God how about with money (our jobs, schedule, goals, desires)
It the end...
What does matter if you did great human accomplishments that God didn't bless.
Are the fruits as great as you think they are?
Don't short change yourself.
Lean into your ultimate life.
Let God lead.
If not, what does it really matter?