What is a Prayer Pillar?

How to make Prayer JUICY.

Have you ever noticed...
When you create something YOURSELF you cherish it more?
Whether it's a meal, cake, furniture or a car,
If you make it with your own two hands, it's more special and meaningful to you.

Prayer is the same way.

Today, I'll share with you how to create your own "Prayer Pillar".

What is a "Prayer Pillar"?
A Prayer Pillar is a 1 page list of bible verses that support a specific topic you want to pray about.

Topics such as: Business, family, health, relationship with God, relationship with spouse, awakening/revival, humility, waiting, etc.

It also has your own prayers between them and makes the the bible verses read like a paragraph.

Creating a Prayer Pillar is easy.
Here's 5 Easy Steps on How to Make a Prayer Pillar.

Step 1: Pick a topic
- What is on your heart to pray about?
Pick a topic of what you want to pray about.

For example:Growth, healing, ministry, business, transformation, renewal, revival, humilty, hubsand/wife or anything else.
(FYI: My first ones were "relationship with God" and "change my heart")

Step 2: Google Search Bible Verses
- Literally go to google.com and search "bible verses on ____" and insert your topic.

For example: I googled...
"bible verses relationship with God"
"bible verses change my heart" 
"bible verses on humility"
"bible verses on surrender"
"bible verses on God's will"

Step 3: Pick Bible Verses You Like
- As you click through websites in the search results, make a list of all the bible verse that you like (including the book, chapter and verse).
- Ex: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Matt 6:33)"

- Pick at least 3-5. You can have as many as you want.
(FYI: I started out with 3-5 and ended up with 10-20 as I continued to refine it.)

Step 4: Arrange the Bible Verses
- Put the bible verses in the order that you like best.
- Congrats! You have a Prayer Pillar! It was that easy.

Step 5: Pray into the Verses
- Read the verses outloud like sentence and add your own words and prayers around. This makes it meaningful to you.
- You can write down your prayers around the verse if you like.

Loving Challenge:
Pray using your Prayer Pillars daily for 1 week.

Go with the flow of what prayers comes out around it.
Lead with the desire to have God's will done in your life.

There's power in this combination:
Praying + Calling on God's Promises + Aligning with God's will.

This is better than 5 planets lining up.

This is your will, your prayers, God's word and God's will coming into perfect alignment.
The possibilities are endless.

And because you created with God, these prayers are more personal, meaningful and FUN!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God"

Have FUN with this.
Invite God's presence, JOY and LOVE while creating this.

You can have multiple Prayer Pillars.
Different topics for different desires of the heart.
Example: One for business, family, health, relationship with God, relationship with spouse, awakening/revival, humility, waiting, etc.

Ask the Holy Spirit where to start or what topic to choose.

This whole thing is such a GOD thing.
Involve Him. Ask Him. Seek Him.
Seek Him in all things.

You'll do great!
I declare victory for you in Jesus name Amen!
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