What No Eye Has Seen

It's a surreal feeling to be in the middle of something amazing or ground-breaking and know you are in a special milestone in time. 
It's a special feeling to know you are smack dab in the middle of an experience that  "No eye has seen..." before.

Right here.
Right now.
We are in that exact thing.
We have never seen with our eyes a world where having a virtual recruiting appointment with an agent or client instead of meeting face to face would be acceptable.
We never thought it would be possible, much less a new norm. 

How fascinating and intriguing is this?
Do you see the awe and wonder in this unfolding?
New possibilities one literally unfolding in front of us.
Ridiculous possibilities have become our new reality. 

Instead of being rocked by it in a fearful way...
Ride the wave in an exciting, courageous bold way!

My friend shared a funny way of describing courage and fear.
"Fear is peeing in your pants.
Courage is what you do with wet pants".

It may be a safe assumption that everyone on this planet peed in their pants recently. We have all seen things that no eye has ever seen.
So what now?

What do you do with this type of situation?
Take advantage of it.
Take advantage of the fact that you have more time than ever before...
to yourself to plan and THINK! 
Take advantage of the fact that you are saving time with zoom meetings vs. commuting.
Take advantage of seeing new possibilities in the middle of this flux and change.
Take advantage of the fact that THIS is the time to make change, set things right, improve, clean up or revamp what you want, how you want it. It's messy anyways, what a few more messy piles?

Take a deep breath and ask yourself these questions...

Is your business operating the want you want?
What would be a key, strategic, bold move to getting the results your want with less work?
Is it possible to be more efficient?
Is it possible to get more done while working less?

New, thought provoking, perhaps "crazy" questions are more acceptable during times like these. 
When it's crazy everywhere, then crazy is the new "normal".
This can be a good thing if you let it.

Take this time to really ask yourself important questions that can change your life or your business.
Now's the time.
Now's the day.

Carpe Diem.
Seize the Day.
Seize the Market.

If you'd like to have a private, thoughtful discussion on how you can seize your market, we would be delighted to schedule a zoom call with you.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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