What We Expect...

It makes sense that...

We can't neglect exercise and EXPECT a healthy body,
We can't eat bad food and EXPECT good nutrition,
We can't lack sleep and EXPECT to be energized.

And yet...

We'll eat junk food and get frustrated if we're overweight,
We'll stay up late watching a show and complain about being tired,
We'll be on social media for hours and say there's not enough time.

Our actions and our EXPECTATIONS don't always match up.

It's the same with us and God.

We EXPECT God's protection without consulting Him,
We EXPECT God's wisdom but we're not willing to BE STILL and listen,
We EXPECT God's favor but we don't favor Him or make Him a priority.

What does that say about our relationship with God?

I learned a HARD lesson recently on taking God for granted.
I realized that I was relying on "good intention" rather than obedience,
I was excusing myself from TRULY seeking Him and relying on grace,
I was LAZY in seeking God and rushed through things,
I heard what I wanted not what He wanted.

My EXPECTATIONS were unholy,
My ATTITUDE was entitlement,
My RESULTS were disaster.

God is teaching me a tough but necessary lesson right now,
And I praise God for His faithfulness,
But OWIE it hurts!

I had to shift what I EXPECT,
And take a close hard look at what God EXPECTS out of me.

God EXPECTS me to seek Him with my WHOLE heart, not just 90%,
God EXPECTS me to be more interested in His will and not my own,
God EXPECTS me to slow down and BE STILL, not multi-task Him in.

If I do what God EXPECTS of me,
He will take care of ALL the cares of this world,
He will open the treasure chest of heaven into my life,
He will heal all wounds and restore all that is lost,
And to that I say "It's a deal!"

So where are you with God today?
What do you EXPECT from Him?
What does He EXPECT from you?

Remember, we have a measly 80-90 years here on earth,
Then it's ETERNITY with the Lord,
All the money, cash flow, success, business, clothes, houses, vacations, money, cars, social media likes and followers will mean nothing,
Yet we spend soooo much time on those things.

"for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."

Every decision,
Every obedience,
Every moment of seeking and praising,
Will be a moment of victory or regret,
All that we do here on earth will have ETERNAL impact.

We need ETERNAL perspective,
To not get lost in the noise of this world,
We need to turn our eyes upon Jesus,
To let the things of this world fade away.

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."

We need to align what God EXPECTS with what we EXPECT so that it can be holy and pleasing to Him.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear.
Help me see things from the ETERNAL perspective,
From the HEAVENLY view,
So I can see myself for who I really am,
So I can reflect on my EXPECTATIONS about You,
And see what it says about my relationship with You.

Help me CHERISH You,
Help me SEEK You,
Help me FIND You,
Help me OBEY You.

Forgive me for my selfish EXPECTATIONS,
Forgive me for my self-indulgent EXPECTATIONS,
Forgive me for my one-sided EXPECTATIONS.

Change my heart O God,
Make it ever true,
Change my heart O God,
May I be like You.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to re-aligning our EXPECTATIONS to be holy and pleasing to God!
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