What's Your Life Goal...?

I was asked recently "What is your life goal?"

When I heard that question,
It flashed me back to my past,
Where I had such a different mindset.

I had what I thought were "big" dreams,
I was so confident,
I was so ambitious,
I was so proud,
I thought I had it all figured out.

It's literally embarrassing to think about how I was,
And I'm so glad God let me burn myself out,
While in pursuit of all the "things" in my own strength.

I'm so glad God let me fall flat on my face,
Then He let me fall even flatter on my face,
So that my answer to the question "What is your life goal?",
Is simply "I just want to FOLLOW Jesus."

"We make it our AMBITION to please Him."

I want my only goal or ambition to be to please Jesus,
Just as Jesus' ambition was to please the Father.

"for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross"

Think about it this way...
If what we're doing something that is NOT pleasing Jesus, what are we doing?

If the way we talk to our parents or kids isn't pleasing Jesus, what are we doing smooth talking clients or leading a Bible study?

If the way we pack our day is causing us to take our eyes off of Jesus, whose kingdom are we building?

God wants our HEART not our HUSTLE.

One more time...



He doesn't care about the thousands or millions you want to give Him,
His streets are paved with GOLD.

He doesn't care about scaling business or exponential growth,
He owns all the stars and planets in the universe.

All He's ever wanted is our HEARTS.
So for us to say our LIFE goal is to please Him,
It's the best gift You can give Him.

Now we just need our ACTIONS to match up with our words.

If we REALLY love Jesus above everything else,
We would spend quiet ALONE time with Him daily,
Even if you started with few precious minutes.

If we REALLY love Jesus and care about His thoughts,
We would ASK Him about details,
And SEEK His approval before making decisions.

If we REALLY applied "seek FIRST the kingdom of God",
Before we talk to our partner, spouse or friend,
We would talk to God FIRST,

So what GOAL can you set today that will bring your actions in line with making God FIRST in your life?
- Spend 5 minutes quiet time with Jesus EVERY morning for 1 week?
- Ask God 1 detailed question I normally wouldn't each day?

Take your pick,
Make your pick,
Just shift the needle one little bit each day towards Jesus,
And make that your LIFE goal,
To LOVE and FOLLOW Jesus.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

May my LIFE GOAL be,
Now and forever more,
To make you HAPPY,
To draw closer to You.

May I be clear that if I'm not doing that,
Then it is meaningless,
May all my decisions,
All my words,
All my thoughts,
Worship and adore You through obedience.

If I'm about to do something that will grieve You,
Then ring an alarm bell in my heart,
Gut check me like big time,
Help me know that it is NOT pleasing to You,
So I can change my ways.

Teach me how to do life and business with You,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to a LIFE goal of pleasing Jesus! ^_^
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