When Life is Full...

When life is full and your schedule is packed,
It's easy to miss Jesus in our day.
When you're back to back with never enough time,
It's easy to not even think about SEEKING Jesus.

I know the feeling,
I'm on a doubly packed schedule right now.

I learned how to stop, pause and hear God on a MEDIUM-paced day,
But now that it's twice as busy,
I'm forgetting to stop, pause and SEEK at all.

It's a total fail AND a great opportunity to exercise that muscle!

It's a bit different to remember Him in a SUPER hectic environment.
Satan uses our busy-ness to edge God out,
So we need be SKILLED and INTENTIONAL in bringing Him back in.

The BATTLE is real.
Busy-ness IS a spiritual battle.
It looks "normal" out the outside,
But spiritually it's a battle for our HEAD space, our heart and our priority.

Remember that Satan is tricky,
He uses our "productivity" and our "busy-ness",
To justify NOT pausing and SEEKING Jesus.

Satan wants us to THINK we are on the right track,
And he wants us to THINK we are too busy to pause and SEEK Jesus,
But the truth is...

"Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him."

When we choose NOT to seek Jesus,
We are saying we are WISE enough to do things without Jesus,

We are saying we don't need to SEEK Him in this situation,
Because "I got this",
We THINK we have the right answer cuz it's obvious, but is it?

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."

Who's laughing when we assume we got this and don't seek God?
Who's happy when we choose NOT to ask God and do it out of our own "wisdom"?
Not God.

The struggle is REAL.
The deception is REAL.
The lies are REAL.

The LIE is that we don't have enough time.
The TRUTH is "SEEK FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness",

It's NOT "seek only when you have time",
It's NOT "seek only when it's really, really bad",
It's SEEK FIRST in ALL things and do what God tells you to,
It's super simple, but not easy.

I failed in seeking God a lot this week.
So now I have a different game plan...

I'm FORCING myself to slow down,
I'm CHOOSING to NOT do certain things,

I'm using these 3 steps:

Step 1) ASKING God "Lord, what do you have to say about my schedule today? What do YOU want?"

Step 2) Then I'm staying quiet, closing my eyes and listening.
I stay quiet until I get something.

A thought,
An impression,
A word,
A phrase,
A conviction,
Cuz God speaks in so many ways,
And when He does, I write it down.

Step 3) Then I ask for more details, "God, what else? Any details?" Then I zip my mouth and listen again and write down whatever comes to mind.

Rinse and repeat until you have the clarity you need to move a little more inline with the Lord.

It's an art not a science.
The ONLY way you'll get better is to practice.
So who's down for practicing this coming week?
Who is willing to get quiet and ask ONE question "Lord, what do you have to say about my schedule today? What do YOU want?"

Let me know if you're ready to take this baby step!
Let's do it together!! ^_^

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me remember to SEEK You in the middle of the busy-ness,
Help me to NOT lean on my own understanding,
Help me realize how UN-wise I really am,
Help me realize how much I need you.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to SEEKING God in the busy-ness!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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