Where's the Fire...?

What do you love?
What do you hate?
What are you frustrated or passionate about?

God may have deposited a seed of passion in that area for you.
Those are the things God gave you a heart for.

The things that light your heart on FIRE.

But a seed is just a seed...
Until it gets watered,
Until it gets nurtured,
Until it gets fed,
Days, months, years...
Then it becomes a tree.

Did you know that God will use what is painful or frustrating to you to change the world through you?
Whether it's your past pain, shame or guilt.
Something that has cause you great trauma and grief.
Something that frustrates the crap out of you and lights your pants on fire.
God wants to use ALL of it to forge it into a weapon to defeat evil.

However, just having passion and putting God at the center is TOOOTALLY different.


You may be passionate about what's going on with the country,
You may love your country and be a patriot,
You may have the right intentions,
You may have a seed in politics or creating a movement.


Without God,
It can turn to anger,
It can seep out as bitterness,
You may think those that don't agree with you don't love the country,
You may even call them idiots.

That's when your passion is perverted.
That's when Satan uses the wrongs of the world to frustrate you,
And instead of moving in purpose and God's power,
The only power you have is your own sour venom.

Without God, you can't make the impact that you were DESIGNED to,
Without living your DESIGN, you are frustrated and unsettled.
The natural bi-product of the bitter frustration stinks like crap and vomit.

Whether you're a teacher, firefighter, police, pastor, nurse, car salesman, environmentalist, ANYONE...

Without God, the natural seed of passion that God placed in your heart will become warped and bitter.

However, when you have God as center and you are seeking HIM to guide you in your passions,
As you take direct orders from the Big Guy Himself,
And as you remain faithful in a little,
And show God you can be faithful in much,
You fulfill your purpose here on earth.

Many people want to live in purpose,
But they work through their week, year, and life without it.
They don't know how to find it.

Busy-ness is not your purpose, it's a DISTRACTION.
So is money, if it's not drawing your closer to God.

So what can you do?

Let's start with the truth.

You are created BY DESIGN to make a DIFFERENCE in the world.

If you only knew how GIFTED you are.
If you only knew how CHOSEN you are to change the world around you.
If you only knew the POWER you have inside of you, beyond imagination,

You were made to do some butt-whooping in Jesus name!

It's time to go from worrying and anxiety to peace, order and freedom,
From chaos and distraction to Godly order timing.
From time poverty, scarcity to time abundance.

Time to step into "what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him"

I made a deal with God once.
I said, "God, if you make yourself interesting and exciting that I crave you and hunger and thirst for you, I'm all in, but I can't do lame and boring."

Here's how He answered...
He sent me people.
He started tickling my brain.
He started changing my heart.

Things got interesting...!

So here's the thing...
No normal, reasonable human being likes boring, stuffy religion (gag).

But every reasonable human being would love...
That's a God anyone would WANT, right?
God is like a rich billionaire, kind, generous, mentoring, patience and caring uncle that you wish was your dad.
Except God IS our dad.
God is our Heavenly Father!

Satan has done a pretty good job re-painting Jesus in a LAME light.
Christians have done a lame job of defending the true nature of Jesus.
Let's change that.

God is SO awesome He will rock your world and shake your soul.
He will make your hair stand on edge and make the manliest of men dance like a school girl with glee. ^_^ Tee hee.

Is that the God you know?
Do we have the same God?
Do you want to hop on this bus?
God's Hot 'n Spicy Express, all board!!

It's going to be a fun ride!

So wherever you are in your journey,
However you feel about God and success,
Whether you found your FIRE or not...

Here are 3 things to Start a FIRE...

Step 1) Call Upon God's Promises with Thanksgiving
- Start with scripture. Real what God has to say about success - click here
- Declare it out loud over your life to break off the lies of the enemy.
- Shout it with vigor and power.
- Scripture is a spiritual weapon. Cut through the spiritual pollution with the sword of the spirit.

Step 2) Pray and Ask God for His Ideas and Inspiration.
- Have a Q&A session with God.
- Make a list of all your business, finance, relationship, health questions.
- List detailed questions like you're seeing a million dollar coach.

- Grab a journal/paper and pen.
- Write down one question at a time and ask God, then shut up and listen.
- Sit in the silence for 5-10 minutes if you have to. Just WAIT.
- Write down anything you see, sense or feel. (Don't over think it. Just write down ANYTHING that comes to mind.)

Step 3) Ask Follow-up Questions
- Ask a follow-up question. "What do you mean? What else? Can you clarify? Can you say that again?"
- Talk to Him like a normal human being, like a BEST friend.
- Write down anything you see, sense or feel.
- Ask at least 3 follow-up questions. Go deep. Ask "Who, What, When, Where and Why".

Rinse and Repeat!

Here's the thing...

When you practice hearing God's voice, you get better at it. You build confidence that He's speaking to you (AND HE IS)... there's just no going back.
It's like candy for your soul.
It's the daily bread your brain, business and family needs to live a PURPOSE driven life.

Try it out.
You won't regret it.
You may even want to share it with others! ^_-
And that's how you make disciples,
And fulfill the Great Commission, baby!!!

Cheers to fulfilling YOUR portion of the Great Commission!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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