White Knuckle Shuffle....

Have you ever exhausted yourself to a point where you just don't care anymore?

I mean, deep down you probably do...
But on the concious surface, you are tired of fighting, wanting, arguing.
Where it hurt so bad that you're asking God to just make it stop.

How do you think God feels in times like these?

Here's an almight God who can do anything for us if we just let Him...

And yet here we are white knuckling it.
We hold onto things os much that our hands get tired,
Our hearts get tired,
Our mind gets exhausted.

That's when we finally let go.
That's when God finally has room to grow.
That makes room for God's miracle.

God is like helium in a balloon.
The more of Him there is the lighter things get.
You can't see it or feel it, but you can see the results.

But if we try to put our breath into the balloon...
It won't work.
It sinks.
Even though they are both clear, invisible and take up space,
It's clearly different.

What are we filling our life with?
Who do we turn to for our solutions?
Us or God?
Money or Holy Spirit?
Other people or Jesus?

Even in the hardest situation, the God factor is this.
It can become light, easy and bearable.
There is this sweet breaking point of surrender where we let go of our tight WHITE KNUCKLED grip on the situation...
And you just let it go.

It's like a sweet, supernatural detachment of trust, love and surrender.
Oh, sweet, sweet surrender.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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