Who is your First...?
When something really amazing happens at work or home,
Who is the FIRST person you go to?
When something really bad happens,
Who is the FIRST person you go to?
Who you go to FIRST says alot...
Because the FIRST person you go to is usually the one CLOSEST to you.

As Jesus followers who are we SUPPOSED to be closest to?
"But seek FIRST the kingdom of God..."
Do we go to Jesus FIRST for all life situations?
Do we think of Him first like we do a bestie?
I didn't.
When something good happened, I wanted to talk to my bestie first.
When something bad happened, I wanted to vent to my bestie first.
Then ONE day...
As my relationship with Jesus was growing,
I realized that I wanted to make HIM the one I go to FIRST.
This was a concious CHOICE.
At first it was a bit unnatural.
I had to STOP myself from dialing my bestie,
I had to STOP my thoughts from going to a human first.
I had to INTENTIONALLY choose God.
"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
So then I would put down the phone and breathe,
And thank the Lord,
Or share the good news with Jesus,
Or vent or complain to Jesus FIRST.
After a while, this became a NATURAL response.
After a while, JESUS became the first person I went to,
And it felt right.
"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."
If you'd like to make this transition also, here's a simply way to do so.
2 Steps to Make God Your FIRST
1) Ask Holy Spirit for help.
- We can't make this shift on our own. It is NOT natrually for our flesh to go to Jesus first.
- Only Holy Spirit can change our heart. Pray and ask for help daily until you form the habit of seeking Jesus FIRST. You will start noticing moments where you can CHOOSE Jesus first.
2) Keep Practicing.
- It won't happen overnight. You may catch yourself going to someone else first.
- Simply stop yourself and PAUSE. Put the phone down or whatever it is you were doing and turn to Jesus.
Talk to Him FIRST.
Ask Him questions FIRST.
Listen for His response FIRST
Keep practicing and correcting yourself. Rinse and repeat.
It's that simple!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to make You FIRST,
Change my heart to seek You ALWAYS,
Turn my thoughts towards You,
And may it be delightful to You.
Deepen my relationship with You,
Increase my DESIRE to desire You,
Bring me to a place of hot, burning love for You,
Because that's what You want too! ^_^
Thank You for hearing my prayers,
Thank You for providing for me always,
Thank You for Your plans for me.
I love You,
I praise You,
I want more of You!
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to making Jesus your FIRST responder in ALL things!