Why We Seek the Supernatural...

Have you ever wondered by humans are curious about the supernatural?
No matter the background, culture, religion, there is always a curiosity about a "higher power"... the SUPERNATURAL.

We're SUPPOSED to.
God designed us that way.

"He has also set eternity in the human heart"

However, just like anything else that God designed us for, if we don't get it from the right "source", things will go wrong.

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings."

God has put in our hearts the desire to have a SUPERNATURAL relationship with Him.
God wants us to operate in the SUPERNATURAL.
We're SUPPOSED to see miracles on a regular basis.
We are NOT supposed to have a boring, mundane life.
Don't let Satan pervert your SUPERNATURAL desires and lead you away from God.

However, when God is not the center of our desires,
When God is not guide of our SUPERNATURAL journey,
We end up "playing" with crystals, tarrot cards, horoscopes, astrology, other gods and goddesses, nature spirits, dead people, saints, spirits...

Be careful because...

"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"

Satan is a tricky little booger.
He will take the curiosity of the SUPERNATURAL that God put in us and use it to stray us away from God.

QUESTION: How do you know if something is of God?
ANSWER: It will draw you CLOSER to God. However, most things of this world DISTRACT you or draw your eyes away from Him.

2 Real-life Examples:

Example #1) Horoscopes/Tarrot Cards/Readings
- Do these things draw you closer to God? Does it even mention God or Jesus?
- No. These practices comes as an "angel of light", a source of knowledge or power, but it NEVER honors God or draws you closer to Him. Instead, it brings in a subsitute for answers in YOUR timing, not God's timing.
- It may seem harmless, but is it?
- It may not be instantly deadly in small doses, but neither is arsenic. Just be on guard. Know the truth. Don't be fooled.

Example #2) Energy, "Source", Universe, I am source, I am God
- Same question. Do these draw you closer to God or...
- Do these suggest that YOU are God?
- Do these concepts make YOU the center and the almighty powerful?
- Phrases like "you are energy", "you are source", "you are the divine", "there is a goddess in you" all put you on God's throne. You begin to exalt yourself instead of God.
- Be very careful. These may seem "empowering" but it is idolatry disguised as an "angel of light".

Bottom line...

ANY SUPERNATURAL that does NOT exalt GOD = Satan's trickery

Satan is a wannabe. (A total loser)
He puts on many different masks of "cute" or "fun" to trick us.

Be very clear on this...
ANY supernatural thing that is NOT pointing to Jesus is a distraction by the Satan.

"Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

The enemy is looking for any moment of weakness or curiosity about other SUPERNATURAL things to get his foot in your door. Don't let him in. Slam the door in his face!

That's why we must "Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong".

Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father
               except through me."

Jesus is the ONLY version of SUPERNATURL we will ever need.

Satan is a cheap knock-off brand of the ORIGINAL G.O.D.

Don't fall for his tricks.

Be careful what you seek.
But be free in seeking Jesus.

What would it look like if we directed our SUPERNATURAL curiosity the right way?

SUPERNATURAL Business w/God.

SUPERNATURAL Industry-changing Innovations w/God.

That's what I'm talking about....!!!
Let's get curious about the right things, yes?!

Cheers to seeking the SUPERNATURAL w/God. ^_-

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