Would It Have Made a Difference...?

Here's a question that we all come to wonder...
Does my prayer really make a DIFFERENCE?
If God is "sovereign" and can do whatever He wants,
What room is there for our prayer to make a DIFFERENCE?

This begs the question...

If Esther didn't fast and pray for 3 days and went to the king, would it have made a DIFFERENCE?

If Daniel didn't pray for 21 days earnestly, would it have made a DIFFERENCE?

If Moses didn't pray for the Israelites to save them from God's fury to destroy them, would it have made a DIFFERENCE?

If Jesus didn't spend alone time in prayer with the Father, would it have made a DIFFERENCE in His ministry?

If the disciples didn't pray in the upper room while waiting for Holy Spirit, would it have made a DIFFERENCE?

If the early church didn't pray for Peter while in prison, would it have made a DIFFERENCE?

"The prayer of a righteous person has great POWER as it is WORKING."

God did not give us something that is useless to fills time.
Prayer has great POWER,
It is a spiritual WEAPON,
And guess who's the most afraid of it?

"For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds."

The ol' devil knows that prayers demolishes his schemes and plans.
That's why he is doing everything he can to keep us from praying.
Satan wants to keep us too BUSY from praying,
Satan wants to keep us too DISTRACTED to pray,
Satan wants us to think that there is NO power in prayer.

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

The fact is,
God gave us a powerful weapon called PRAYER.
He gave it to us because EVERY believer is a soldier in His army,
He gave it to us to kick butt for His kingdom.

The armor of God in the Bible has a grand finale...

"Stay alert and be persistent in your PRAYERS for all believers everywhere."

PRAYER is not just a garnish on an entree,
It IS the entree.

It is not a filler that doesn't do anything,
It is the most powerful spiritual weapon on the planet.

The cool and generous thing about God is,
He made the most important things SIMPLE,

And prayer is one of them.
Don't underestimate it because it's so simple,
It's so simple because God is so GOOD!

Let's start acting like an army,
Let's start praying like it's a nuclear weapon against evil,
And start blowing up enemy plans against our family, health and relationships.

If you feel like you don't know how,
The solution is simple,
Ask Holy Spirit to teach you.

"Holy Spirit, please teach me to pray boldly and powerfully to move Your Kingdom forward and have a blast doing it, In Jesus name Amen."

This is one prayer I KNOW God wants to answer so hold on to your seats! ^_^

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me realize and embrace that prayer makes a DIFFERENCE.
Help it reach deep into my soul,
That I may feel a holy burden to pray,
To pray powerful in a way that makes the dark kingdom tremble with fear.

Help me be the spiritual warrior You have designed me to be,
Help me be the spiritual sniper, archer or missile launcher You have designed me to be,
Wake me up from my slumber,
Wake me up from my blindness,
Wake me up from spiritual apathy,
And use me on the God Squad,
To be Your Kingdom warrior from now,
Until the day you come.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to blowing up some enemy plans and protecting your loved ones and advancing God's Kingdom in a brand new way! Wohoooo!!
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