Yelling at God...?

Are we aloud to yell at God?

How about crying out for help?
Did you know that we're supposed to surrender it all and let Him lighten your load?

There is a right way to cry out to God...
1) Just say it. All of it. Let it out. Be brutually honest.
2) Hand everything over to God.
3) Thank God.

Here's an example...
I'm so angry!! So frustrated!!
I want to punch ____'s face.
I feel betrayed, unloved and resentful.
I feel bitter and stubborn.
I want to throat punch him.
I don't like it. Please take it from me.
I'm getting more cranky by the day.
Please take my crankiness from me.

God, I surrender my hurt to you.
I surrender my fears to You. (I hand you / I give you my fears.)
I surrender my anger to You. (I hand you / I give you my anger.)
I surrender my bitterness to You. (I hand you / I give you my bitterness.)
I surrender my rage to You. (I hand you / I give you my rage.)
I surrender ALL of it to You.
Take it ALL.
Reveal to me anything else I need to surrender.
Take the things I don't even know about.
I surrender it ALL to you.

You said Your yoke is easy and your burder is light.
I call upon Your promise and ask You to keep it.

I just want to be happy.
I want love.
I want to cherish.
I want to make disciples as you have instructed.
I want to do Your will.
Teach me how.

Sorry, I'm being such a turd.
Thank You for listening.
Thank You for letting me vent.
Thank You for how awesome You are.
Thank You for having all of this under control.
Thank You for your perfect plan.

I trust You.
I praise You.
I seek Your strength and wisdom.
Show me the way.
In Jesus name Amen."

God would rather hear from you angry than not at all.
He would rather you yell at Him than ignore Him.
It's ok to get angry.
It's ok to get sad.
It's ok to feel hurt.
It's ok to feel tired.
It's ok to feel lost.
It's ok to feel afraid.

Just keep coming back to God and let Him take it off of you.
Let Him lighten your load.
Start feeling that uncanny peace or lightness.
When you hand it over to God, you will say "I don't know why but I feel lighter..."
You're on the right track.
God is peace.
God is love.
God can calm your mind in the middle of a storm.

Seek Him in all things.
Be honest.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid to be REAL with God.
Don't be afraid to be HONEST with God.
He will hear your prayers and your cries.
He will fill your heart with comfort, love and peace.

Try it out.
Yell at God.
Then surrender it all to Him.
Then thank Him.

God will be pleased even in your anger, sorrow and pain.
He will also take it and turn it into something amazing.

Have faith.
Make up.
God is good.
All the time.
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