You Are Not Your Business...
Did you know there is a sneaky but dangerous lie about your business?
This topic flies under the radar,
It's not talked about much,
Yet is can be toxic to business and our families.
When I started pursuing big dreams and goals it was fun and refreshing.
When I started thinking bigger than I ever have, it was exhilarating.
However, somewhere down the line,
My soul became entangled with my business.
What I mean is...
My value, my identity became entangled with the success of my business.
I can't even pinpoint when it happened,
I just did at some point.
There was no intentional decision that did it...
But somewhere, somehow I embraced the lie that "If I am amazingly successful, I will make my mark in the world and fulfill my purpose."
Then before I knew it,
I was running so hard thinking it was for good.
And before I knew it,
I was on the treadmill of trying to achieve a crazy goals and dream to fulfill my purpose and forge my ideal identity.

Here's the thing...
The enemy is sneaky.
He works by planting lies in your head that is so CLOSE to the truth that your brain accepts it.
However, it's really...
98% truth, 2% lie.
And much like deadly poison,
You don't want even .01% of it in your water.
When your business and your goals is NOT a God-CENTERED thing,
There's tons of effort, very little peace,
Tons of striving, very little surrender,
Lots of collateral damage like family, health, relationships,
And if those are the fruits, it's NOT God.
However, when your business IS God-CENTERED,
There is a lot more seeking, much less doing,
A lot more waiting, much less jumping the gun,
And a whole lot less logic (cuz God is not logical, ask Gideon, Joshua, Joseph, David),
Because God is making room for a miracle so HE can get all the glory and credit.
Unless your business is CENTERED in God, it's not really His business.
Unless you actually SEEK God for decisions and advice and WAIT on His answer (even when you feel like the opportunity is gone),
Unless God is the CENTER of everything in your business,
You may have a business that made God a janitor to clean up messes but not the CEO or the Chairman of the board.
What role do you have God in your business?
No matter how "big" you think your dream is,
Or how many people you plan to help with your charity or organization,
If God's not in it...
It's only a lame duck version of what He has planned.
Because the GOD version for your life is...
"what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him."
Can you even imagine how good that has to be if we can't even think big enough to compare?
That means you can literally think of the most amazing, wild, big fat hair goal out there and it will be PEANUTS compared to what God has planned.
Do you REALLY believe that?
Because if you did,
You would ditch YOUR plan and seek out GOD's plan.
It's like finding out that you have a free trade-in to upgrade your $100,000 car for a $100 Million car.
No brainer, right?
There would be no pause,
No delay,
No thinking.
Just YES!
However, we don't do that with God.
"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
Without even knowing it,
We fall into the human way of,
I can do it,
I can make it,
Look at me,
I'm making it.
Then it sneaks up on you...
"Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
Before I knew it,
I BECAME my business.
My identity had become entangled with the success of my business.
It looked good on paper.
But God was NOT at the center of it.
I was driving it.
My ego,
Disguised as charitable giving,
My self-esteem,
Disguised as accomplishment.
What a hot mess.
Then I burned out.
So I urge you...
Be smarter than me,
Make God the CENTER of your business sooner than me.
Use tools and strategies I didn't have.
Talk to God,
Ask Him questions,
Spend time with Him as if He is your billion dollar business consultant.
Prepare questions,
Write down answers.
Seek Him DAILY.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Teach me how to make YOU the CENTER of my business.
Forgive me for not CENTERING you in everything.
And for everything past,
I forgive anyone that wronged me in anyway.
I hand over all unforgiveness, bitterness and offenses in my life to you.
Free me from all the things that keep me from You.
In Jesus name, Amen."
So today, I declare in JESUS name that,
You are NOT your business.
Your value is NOT tied to the success of your business.
I declare that you will
STOP running,
STOP purusing,
STOP grinding, hustling, burning out and destroying relationships with your family.
I declare that you are freed from the chains of your own expectations and dreams.
I declare in JESUS name that all temptations of the enemy that used to be attractive will now repel you.
I declare that the world will NEVER again satisfy something that the Jesus is meant to satisfy.
Any un-Godly motivations will taste bitter and sour in your mouth and you will spit it out as the vile poison that it is.
In Jesus name I break any unholy soul times between you and your business.
I command that any spirit of unworthiness, guilt, shame, perfectionism, pride, ego, control, lust for wealth, idolatry, fear and anything else known and unknown be gone in Jesus name.
I declare healing, joy, fulfillment, surrender, humility, forgiveness, faith, hope, love and identity in the Lord, in JESUS name.
I declare that your identity now is royalty as the child of God and no weapon formed against you will prosper in Jesus name.
I declare in JESUS name that you will get your Unique Value Proposition from the Holy Spirit as He revamps your identity in Christ.
I declare that through dreams and visions you will know who you are what you are meant to do.
I declare a new fire, passion, curiosity, awe and wonder in the Lord.
I declare blessings upon blessings will fall upon your relationships, family, friends, health, and business.
I declare that your PERSONAL relationship with God will multiple and you will be the bright light on top of a hill that He has always designed you to be.
I declare you will lead THOUSANDS of people to Christ, both born again and found-again.
I declare complete victory and utter transformation in your heart, business and ALL areas of life in JESUS name, Amen!
Thank You Jesus!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Cheers to a new future, my friend.
Let go of the things that need letting go,
Cheers to a business that is NOT tied to your soul.
And I replace that with truth, love and hope in the Lord in JESUS name.
Cheers to an amazing week!