Your Alabaster Jar...
What would you do with a YEAR's worth of income in your bank account?
How easy would it be to lay it at Jesus' feet?
Especially if it left you with nothing,
Even it it mean you were no longer financially "comfortable",
What would need to happen for our hearts to be THAT grateful for Jesus?
That's what a woman in Bethany did for Jesus...
"a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table"
Even Jesus' disciples couldn't make sense of this type of generosity and surrender.
They actually complained saying, “Why this WASTE?”

We all have an alabaster jar that we give to Jesus each day.
We fill it with the things we are willing to lay down at His feet.
So what's in YOUR alabaster jar?
Is TIME in your alabaster jar you give to Jesus each day?
To be quiet and still with Jesus,
To seek His presence,
His heart,
His will,
His peace?
It's easy to stuff our alabaster jar with good "intentions",
But good "intentions" are cheap.
TIME is our most valuable treasure.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
God has always wanted our heart from the beginning.
He doesn't need our money or gold,
His streets are paved with gold.
So where is your heart?
Where do you spend your TIME?
Do you have dedicated time with Jesus each day?
To read His word,
To ask Him questions,
To wait in silence for answers?
What's in YOUR alabaster jar?
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me give you something VALUABLE each day,
My time,
My heart,
My ambitions,
My plans.
Help me lay it all down at your feet and fully surrender,
To grow beyond "good intentions",
And into acts of obedience,
That is holy and pleasing to You.
Help me start by reading Your WORD each day,
To seek Your presence,
To hear Your voice,
To understand Your will,
And to obey.
May I fill the alabaster jar I give you each day,
With my most valuable possession,
May I put you ABOVE all everything in my life,
So you can truly be LORD of my life,
And not just my savior.
May my hands be open,
May my heart be open,
May I get on my hands and knees each day,
Offering you my alabaster jar filled with my greatest treasures.
Teach me how to honor You and delight You,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to filling your alabaster jar with what GOD wants...
Your HEART (aka TIME)!
Have a great week!