Your Body is a Part...

How do you treat your BODY?
Do you know who your BODY belongs to?
The answer to this question makes all the difference.

"Do you not know that your bodies are a part of Christ Himself?... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

In another words,
Our bodies are God's property,
We're using something He owns.

How would you treat something that you borrowed from God?
If God lent you His new car, how would you treat it?
Would you drive through the mud or go offroading with it?
Would you leave french fries stuck between the seats?
Would you use the cheapest gas to refill it?

How do we treat our bodies?
Do we give it proper rest?
Do we feed it the high quality, healthy food?
Do we have the right priority on self-care?

Or are we running ragged with our hair on fire?
Are we sleep deprived and running on fumes?
Are we eating junk food because we don't have time?
Are we addicted to bad foods and refuse to eat healthy?

If you're standing at the "pearly gates" and doing a performance review with Jesus and He asks you, "Ok, now let's review how well you took care of My body that I gave you."
What would your response be?
Would you be confident in your stewardship?
Or would you be like "oh crap"?

"Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit"

Did you know the condition of your body EFFECTS how well we can serve Him?
Did you know the condition of your body EFFECTS how well you can hear Him?
Did you know the condition of your body is a REFLECTION of how obedient you are to Him?

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?"

There are 3 areas of Godly Body Care to consider...

- Are you willing to SACRIFICE your cravings and appetite to please God?

"I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial."

- Yes, you can choose to eat whatever you want, however, did you know there is a DIRECT correlation between what you eat and the clarity of mind and your ability to hear God? God didn't call our body His temple for nothing. The condition of our body effects our mind and how sensitive we are to Holy Spirit or how much noise we let in from Satan. It's a BIG deal.

- Would you ever let God's car get to an empty tank and run out of gas?
- Are you getting the sleep you need to allow your body to heal and recover or are you trying to run on an empty tank?

Remember God's ways...

"He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters."

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

- The amount of sleep you get also effects how well you can hear God and be sensitive to Holy Spirit. If you are worn out and tired you are an easy target for Satan to trick and deceive.

- A healthy body needs movement, usage and proper care.
- It's not good for a car to sit without being run for a long time and it's the same with our body. We must use and move our body each to ensure good blood flow, circulation and stimulation. Even an astronaut in zero gravity will have muscle and bone loss from lack of exercise and use of muscle. Our body NEEDS proper exercise. It's part of proper, holy and pleasing temple maintenance.

Our bodies are a magnificent work of the Lord and the more I learn about it, the more I am amazed and realize God wants me to care for my body as if it is His.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"

I know that I cannot care for my body without God's help.
There are way too many temptations and bad habits that trip me up.
That's why I started praying daily and seeking wisdom on my health and self-care. By doing so, it reminds me of the importance of stewarding God's body well and He gives me the strength and reminders I need for that day.

Simply ask daily "God, what do You have to say about my health and self-care today?"

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I need Your help in caring for the body You gave me.
I'm sorry for using and abusing it and treating it like a rental car.

Help me see
 connection between my body and You.

Help me experience the difference,
Help me hear You better.

May what I eat be an act of worship,
May how I rest be an act of obedience,
May the stewardship of my body be holy and pleasing to You.

I seek You for wisdom,
Step me through everything,
May I honor You with my body,

As a living sacrifice today.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to pleasing God through your health and self-care! ^_^
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