You're Supposed To... Supernatural Life!

Did you know you're supposed to live a supernatural life?

God actually made it WAAAYYY easier to share Him and spread the "Good New" than what we're doing.

Let me ask you this...

If you knew someone who has miracles happening to them all the time... would you be curious about them?

If you knew someone who lived with purpose, passion and had a peace beyond human understanding... would you want that too?

If you saw someone that is facing deep, soul shaking challenges... but they are stronger than ever... would you wonder what gives them strength?

You are meant to live a SUPERNATURAL life with God.
That is how you become a light on top of a hill.

When you live a SUPERNATURAL life...
You experience God's miracles in your life FIRST.
That turns you into a super raving fan.
You can't help but be excited share Him with others.

Out of abundance and overflow, we are supposed to attract and share God's love.
We should not be able to contain ourselves.
That's how awesome God is supposed to be in our lives.

Get greedy.
Raise the bar.
Want to see more of God in your life.

If you ask Go to show up and show off, He will.

God never meant for you to be barely making it through life, spiritually bankrupt, ruined marriage and mentally unstable.

God always intended for you to be filled with His spirit, having a peace that surpasses all human understanding.
- Instead of Prozac, you get you some Jesus.
- Instead of Adderall, you take an extra swig of Holy Spirit.
- Instead of drugs or alcohol, you jump into prayer or worship.

God was meant to be our medicine in life.

It sounds crazy until it HAPPENS.

The lukewarm, lame duck Jesus is a fake.
The boring, judgmental and religious Jesus is a lie.
Jesus is adventurous, challenging, loving, passionate and kind.
He is wise beyond believe,
Generous beyond measure,
Loving beyond our hearts capacity.

If this is not the Jesus you know, you're missing out.
Good news is, you are one invitation away from Him showing up in a big way in your life.

"Dear Jesus,
Come into my life.
I want to know the real, cool, amazing You.
I want to live a life of passion and purpose you have given me.
Light me on fire.
In Jesus name Amen."

You need to experience the real Jesus FIRST in order for you to share from abundance and overflow of gratitude, love and generosity.

Hold on to your seats.
He's a comin! ^_^

Have an amazing day!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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