You're the Chosen One...
Your are the chosen one.
The one to make a difference.
The one to change lives, save hearts and minds.
Do you know why you were chosen?
It's not because you are so good looking.
It's not because of the money in your bank account
...or your car
...or number of friends.
It's because of your heart.
Because of your capacity to care and love.
Because you have been chosen to be a light atop a hill that others can look to.
You have a gift.
It's different than anyone else's gift.
It's unique to You.
You know it's there, living inside of you.
When you're in sync with the purpose of your gift,
There is a joy and flow like no other.
It might even seem too easy while others around you awe at your gift.
You are chosen to unite those around you.
Squelch quarrels with truth and love.
You are chosen to share the good news that they, too, are a chosen one.
Lift others up.
Then teach others how to do the same for others.
In a time where division and hate run rampant, will you use your gift to unite?
Will you love?
Will you embrace the broken hearts around you?
"Behind every angry face is a broken heart".
There's a lot of broken hearts out there.
The world,
your home,
your children,
your community,
your clients...
They all need you to live your gift out fully.
They need the "chosen one" in you to step and be loving.
To be curious, compassionate sometimes even quiet.
In a world with so much noise you may be chosen "for such a time as this" to lead through the power of love.
I wish you a beautiful day and an even brighter week. Pass your light forward!