God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

Source of the Best Ideas

I don't know about you, but I'm in a stage in life where I'm ALL about work SMARTER not harder. ...

Leaning In While Getting Lean...

In this time of shrinkage in the economy, it's easy to get into a fear mindset. Don't. Find comfort...

Missing Essential In Your Business...

This one day I was pulling out from my office and turned right onto a small two lane road in a...

Somethings Missing How To Find It

Sometimes you know something is missing. Sometimes you don't know something is missing but...

How's Your Spiritual Health...?

A few months ago, I went to a doctor of an unusual kind. He was known to help cure illnesses that...

Bible Reading Myth Busters...!

I don't know about you, but I had the hardest time reading the bible. The few attempts I made felt...

The People In Front Of You...

Have you seen drawings where there's actually two images in one drawing. If you look at it one way...

Lord vs Savior - Which One...?

I was a butt head. A big one. Regarding God or church for a long time. I lived as a bare minimum...

Performance or Manipulation

One of the golden rules of "master" closers (sales people) is "ABC" - Always Be Closing. The...

Are You This Bold And Crazy...?

"I want MORE success so I can move the kingdom forward!" (Yeeahhh!! And the crowd goes wild~~~!) I...

Communion + Your Business...?

As business owners and innovators, we always ask ourselves... What's the next level up? What's the...

The True Identity of Your Business...

Have you ever had an "Aha moment" about your business or your purpose? How did it feel? Exciting?...