What is recruiting? For some, it may be a job description, For some, it may be an obligation, For...
As this new year starts, As you restart and reboot, There's one important perspective, That will...
Let's join our hearts in prayer for the people affected by the California fires. Many are...
Is there's a significant difference between our life as a believer versus non-believer? Are we...
Let's look at the world through fresh eyes this new year, Discarding what is normal and acceptable,...
In this new year, I pray that we come humbly before God, And truly realize, How great it is to...
Who doesn't like to be invited? Who doesn't like to know that they are loved or wanted? So does...
As we approach Christmas, Celebrating the birth of Jesus, Have we considered, What would Jesus want...
Although 'tis the season, A season of merry-making, A season of many holiday parties, A season of...
As Christians we don't go around thinking we're ashamed of Jesus, But Satan is pretty tricky. He...
Did you know that Jesus is ironic? In addition to being the King of kings, He may also be the King...
As we look to the new year, And do business planning, Life planning, Future planning, There is a...