God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

How to Make a Difference...

Last Thursday was the National Day of Prayer, A time to pray for our country, To seek God FIRST as...

Today is the National Day of Prayer...!

Did you know that today is the National Day of Prayer? It is the first Thursday of every May. ...

Just the Two Stone Tablets...

I thought this was kinda cool... Have you ever been to a house that really like a particular...

Pursuing the Obvious...

"Oh, that's obvious. No need to ask God." "You don't need to ask God about things like that." "God...

Prayer for Military Loved Ones...

Memorial Day is a day to honor the military men and women who lost their lives defending this...

Godly Strength Finder...

There's an interesting way to look at the friends that you have... 2 Types of Friends: 1) Friends...

Seek Like Solomon...

Have you ever considered WHAT you ask God for and what it MEANS? Let's compare two people that...

The Obvious Good Thing...

Have you ever done anything out of good intention and it wasn't the right choice? I've said things...

Little Big Things...

If you were anointed as king as David was, Or had great gifts and talents, What would be your...

Are You Getting Tossed...?

If you would have asked me before, Whether I was getting tossed around in my business or life, I...

Air Balls are OK...

Have you ever been in a season where you feel LOST, Where nothing seems to fit together, And the...

Facetime with God...

There is a lost art with God, An act that is rarely talked about, Even more rarely seen, Even more...