God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

Missing Gems In The Haste...

One of the things I'm noticing, Shifting from a season of rest to a season of activity, Is the...

Unnecessary Pressure...

Do you feel the pressure of Christmas? Do you feel the pressure of the parties? Do you feel the...

Advent Reading...

Happy December!! ^_^ Did you know that the word ADVENT means the "arrival"? In Christianity the...

Give Thanks With Our Heart Posture...

If you're FEELING blessed, If you KNOW you're blessed, And want to give THANKS to the Lord, Let's...

In the Midst of Canaan...

In the famous story about how Abraham's servant found Isaac's wife, there is a precious gem hidden...

What We Expect...

It makes sense that... We can't neglect exercise and EXPECT a healthy body, We can't eat bad food...

Simple First Step...

I can intellectually knowing something, But that doesn't mean my heart does. I can intellectually...

Armor for Our Veterans...

In a day and time where the world teaches us to be self absorbed, I'm grateful for brave men and...

Keep Fighting on Your Knees...

After a much heated election, Whether you're red or blue, Left or right, Donkey or elephant, Take...

Provoking Others to Curiosity...

What if sharing Jesus was waaayyy easier we think? What if one of the main ways Jesus intended was,...

Prayer for Our Country Uniting Hearts...

Halloween... God...

Have you ever said something you thought was funny, But you hurt someone's feeling instead? Have...