Every law of the 10 commandment is a ray of sunshine into the heart of man, Calling them to choose...
The 9th law in the 10 commandments is interesting because it makes you wonder why God put it the...
Labor is a term that is usually not considered pleasant in today's world. If you say "I labored all...
The 7th of the 10 commandment is also one that makes you wonder, "Did that really need to be a law?...
If there was a law in the 10 commandments where you're like "Duuuhhh..." the 6th one could be it. ...
Did you know the 5th commandment starts the SECOND part of 10 commandments? The 10 commandments...
As we continue to look at the 10 commandments are a collection of Love Letters, You can see both...
As we continue to look at each of the 10 commandments as Love Letter, The 3rd commandment requires...
The 2nd of the 10 Commandments is a Love Letter on how to have a healthy, committed relationship....
God's LOVE is in everything He tells us to do. It's never to be harsh or overbearing, But it's...
Have I ever mentioned that I'm a hot mess? Yeah, like only every day. Every day I try to love,...
I was passing through Napa Valley and visited a winery even though I'm not a wine drinker. I just...