God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

How Do I Share God?... (Part 3)

How do I share God? How do I save someone? These things were NEVER taught to me. I grew up with...

God Logic

Oh, the irony! Growing up, LOGIC was never a part of the God conversation. I came to feel that God...

3 Steps to Prayer with a Punch

Sleep in Peace (in Real Estate)

I was Not Loving

Best Jesus Show Evaaa!! - Must watch

I have never... ...recommended a TV series in these emails ever, but this one must be shared. ...

God, the First Equalizer (Good Friday)

One of the most awe inspiring acts of God is in the moment of Jesus death... "At that moment the...

Trigger Management w/God

Fighting Spirits in Real Estate

We fight a spiritual battle in real estate everday. Many spiritual battles are lost because we...

3 Signs It's Not God

I'm not as smart as I think I am. When it comes to God things, I'm constantly messing up and...

I'm Sorry

The body of Christ is not perfect. It's made up of humans. Humans hurt. Hurt people hurt others. ...

5 Steps to Making Decisions with God

Did you know that you are designed to hear God's voice? You are designed to hear God, feel God,...