Are we aloud to yell at God? How about crying out for help? Did you know that we're supposed to...
Do you know the truth about Multi-tasking? QUESTION: If you want the highest quality result, do...
Hi {{first_name}}, Have you thought about REALLY doing business with God? I sounds good, but... ...
What is "Salvation" (aka getting saved)? It's a FREE Gift. You don't have to DO anything. You...
Imagine a new way of doing business. A totally unseen way that is waiting to be unleashed. It's a...
"Humilty is perfect quietness of the heart. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is...
It's time to raise the bar. For decades, I compromised to a pitifully low level of peace. I caved...
I want to share my Birthday miracle!!! BTW, God is SOOO good! Here's how it went down... It's...
On this Memorial Day, Here's a prayer for our Veterans. (FYI: This is a photo I took today on...
I have a vision that ALL may come to KNOW God, HEAR Him and SEEK Him everyday. Not because it's the...
Do prayers matter? Does it make a difference? Why or why not? The best answer is through the...
I have a friend who was a bush pilot in Alaska. SHE (yes she) would fly with men who were military...