God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

I Didn't Know I Was Arrogant...

Have you ever BEEN a certain way without knowing it? You may say "I would never..." Then you...

What are you Paid for vs Made for?

Quick question... What are you PAID for vs MADE for? Your job is what you are getting PAID to do....

Heart Betrays You...

"Follow your heart" is celebrated as a noble way of life. It's viewed as an enlightened state that...

A Country that Seeks God... Industries & Business

Do you remember when... Harvard, Princeton and Yale were institutions for God. They were founded...

God is Bigger than Our Mistakes...

Did you know that God is BIGGER than our mistakes? There is an interesting conundrum when it comes...

Gods Love is Simple

God's LOVE is simple. It is not crafty or cunning. It's child-like. He loves us so much and His...

God is Simple

Many people have experienced a "complicated" version of God. Too many people believe that... You...

Tipping the Scale w/God

It turns out that God is in the small stuff ever more than you think. God shows up and touches the...

Prayer for Grown-ups

Are we praying the right way? Are you sure? Who could possibly qualify to "teach" us how to pray?...

Start a Fire...

Today I'm not gonna sugar coat it. Start a fire. You are the spark. You are the flame. Be the...

Victory Over Panic Attacks

Here's a truth... Many people suffer from panic attacks. BUT... "God did not give us a spirit of...

Spirit of Control in Business...

We all want to succeed in business and in life. It goes without saying. But in that pursuit, the...