Seize the Market Podcast

Listen to the latest episode to find out what it really takes to win in business and in life.

Warrior Theory...

I have a theory... Children, teens and young adults are literally OVERFLOWING with energy they...

Asbury Revival 2023... What's Going On?

OMG! Is this possible?!?! After a typical chapel service for Asbury University students, At the...

How Do You Steward Revival?

As much as I LOVE revival and all that it stands for, it doesn't solve everything. It's only the...

Nothing Less Than Revival!... (Business Too?)

Listen. I'll be straight. I grew up being BORED with church. I wanted NOTHING to do with church at...

It Matters How You Cut...

The market is shifting. I see people making cuts, Getting lean, Being smart. I just want to remind...

Body, Soul, Spirit of your Business...

If you looked at your business as a creation with 3 parts like we are... Body, Soul, Spirit... ...

SOAP: A Fun & Practical Way to Read the Bible

Is reading the Bible boring? Discover how to actually enjoy reading the bible in a fun and practical way.

Source of the Best Ideas

I don't know about you, but I'm in a stage in life where I'm ALL about work SMARTER not harder. ...

Leaning In While Getting Lean...

In this time of shrinkage in the economy, it's easy to get into a fear mindset. Don't. Find comfort...

Missing Essential In Your Business...

This one day I was pulling out from my office and turned right onto a small two lane road in a...

Somethings Missing How To Find It

Sometimes you know something is missing. Sometimes you don't know something is missing but...

How's Your Spiritual Health...?

A few months ago, I went to a doctor of an unusual kind. He was known to help cure illnesses that...
Growth Systems for the Ready & Willing
(While Protecting Your Personal Life)
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